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Multiple bugs related to tracking state changes when saving drafts and workspaces in the editor

hsharriman opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Several bugs surround the experience of editing/saving/sharing/importing Penrose files in the editor. This is a list of all the bugs I found while testing on Almost all of these bugs are related to incorrect or missing transitions between internal states in the editor. To see UX improvements (not bugs) related to this process, see #1684.

  • renaming a workspace should not automatically create a new workspace if you're already working with a workspace
  • importing: add confirmation if you are trying to import a file while in draft state
  • importing: trio is imported but the title/top header does not update
    • if you share imported trio the stale title will be included
  • creating a gist from a draft does not save the changes locally but it does encapsulate the changes in the gist, it should also save your changes as a workspace
  • there's no confirmation that you're abandoning work if you navigate to someone else's gist while in draft mode
  • there's no confirmation that you're abandoning work if you navigate to new webpage while in draft mode
  • if you import a file while viewing a workspace, imported files overwrite your workspace's changes instead of saving your workspace and putting you in draft state
  • FLAKY bugs (not a consistent repro):
    • upload is flaky? sometimes it takes like 5 or 6 tries for the upload to go through. no confirmations/indicators appear in this situation
    • duplicating workspaces too quickly causes errors in retrieving those workspaces

To Reproduce
These behaviors repro on main, you can repro all of these from

Steps to reproduce the behavior:
See above

Expected behavior
See above

Desktop (please complete the following information if applicable):

  • OS: MacOS
  • Browser Chrome
  • Version 120.0.6099.71

Additional context
Too many bugs to include repro instructions for all at the moment.


  • couldn't repro on 1/10/24 renaming a workspace should not automatically create a new workspace if you're already working with a workspace
  • fixed. importing: add confirmation if you are trying to import a file while in draft state
  • fixed importing: trio is imported but the title/top header does not update
  • fixed (most likely related): if you share imported trio the stale title will be included
  • fixed creating a gist from a draft does not save the changes locally but it does encapsulate the changes in the gist, it should also save your changes as a workspace because you're automatically redirected to the gist
  • fixed try adding a beforeunload event that confirms that you have no unsaved changes before navigating away from the page
    • there's no confirmation that you're abandoning work if you navigate to someone else's gist while in draft mode
    • there's no confirmation that you're abandoning work if you navigate to new webpage while in draft mode
  • fixed if you import a file while viewing a workspace, imported files overwrite your workspace's changes instead of saving your workspace and putting you in draft state
  • fixed if you import all tabs say "SVG import" instead of domain/substance/style
  • FLAKY bugs (not a consistent repro):
    • upload is flaky? sometimes it takes like 5 or 6 tries for the upload to go through. no confirmations/indicators appear in this situation
    • duplicating workspaces too quickly causes errors in retrieving those workspaces