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Missing local

Johnicholas opened this issue · comments


type Box
type Place <: Box
type Transition <: Box
type Arrow

constructor Arrow(Box b1, Box b2)


Place work_in
Place dev_in
Transition start
Place px
Place py
Transition delegate
Transition stop
Place work_out
Place dev_out

Arrow work_in_start := Arrow(work_in, start)
Arrow dev_in_delegate := Arrow(dev_in, delegate)
Arrow start_v1_i := Arrow(start, px) for i in [0, 4]

Arrow px_delegate := Arrow(px, delegate)
Arrow py_stop_i := Arrow(py, stop) for i in [0, 4]
Arrow stop_start_i := Arrow(stop, start) for i in [0, 4]
Arrow stop_work_out := Arrow(stop, work_out)
Arrow delegate_dev_out := Arrow(delegate, dev_out)

AutoLabel All


canvas {
    width = 1000
    height = 1000

    REST_LENGTH = 500

    COLOR_BLACK = #000000ff
    COLOR_WHITE = #ffffffff
    COLOR_DEBUG = #ff0000ff

layout = [boxes, arrows]

forall Box b { = (? in boxes, ? in boxes, ? in boxes, ? in boxes, ? in boxes)
    vec2 b.projected_center = ([0],[1])

forall Place p {
    shape p.icon = Circle {
        center: p.projected_center
        r: 30
        strokeWidth: 1
        strokeColor: GLOBAL.COLOR_BLACK
        fillColor: GLOBAL.COLOR_WHITE
    shape p.arrowTarget = p.icon

forall Transition t {
    shape t.icon = Rectangle {
        center: t.projected_center
        width: 15
        height: 15
        fillColor: GLOBAL.COLOR_BLACK
    shape t.arrowTarget = Rectangle {
        center: t.projected_center
        width: 15
        height: 15
        fillColor: GLOBAL.COLOR_DEBUG
    t.arrowTarget above t.icon

forall Box b1; Box b2 {
    encourage maximal(vdist(, in boxes
    ensure disjoint(b1.icon, b2.icon)

forall Arrow a; Box b1; Box b2 where a := Arrow(b1, b2) {
    -- hooke's law attraction of boxes connected by arrows?
    encourage equal(0, sqr(vdist(, - GLOBAL.REST_LENGTH)) in boxes

    vec2 a.start = (? in arrows, ? in arrows)
    encourage equal(0, norm(closestPoint(b1.arrowTarget, b2.projected_center) - a.start)) in arrows
    vec2 a.end = closestPoint(b2.arrowTarget, b1.projected_center)
    shape a.line = Line {
        start: a.start
        end: a.end
        endArrowhead: "straight"
        strokeColor: GLOBAL.COLOR_BLACK

    a.firstCorner = (? in arrows, ? in arrows)
    a.secondCorner = (? in arrows, ? in arrows)
    -- ensure equal(a.start[1], a.firstCorner[1]) in arrows
    -- ensure equal(a.firstCorner[0], a.secondCorner[0]) in arrows
    -- ensure equal(a.secondCorner[1], a.end[1]) in arrows

    shape a.debugFirstCornerDebug = Circle {
        center: a.firstCorner
        r: 6
        fillColor: GLOBAL.COLOR_DEBUG

    shape a.debugSecondCornerDebug = Circle {
        center: a.secondCorner
        r: 6
        fillColor: GLOBAL.COLOR_DEBUG

    shape a.debugLineOne = Line {
        start: a.start
        end: a.firstCorner
        strokeColor: GLOBAL.COLOR_DEBUG

    shape a.debugLineTwo = Line {
        start: a.firstCorner
        end: a.secondCorner
        strokeColor: GLOBAL.COLOR_DEBUG

    shape a.debugLineThree = Line {
        start: a.secondCorner
        end: a.end
        strokeColor: GLOBAL.COLOR_DEBUG

    encourage minimal(perimeter([a.start, a.firstCorner, a.secondCorner, a.end], false)) in arrows
    -- encourage equal(0, norm(a.firstCorner - a.start) + norm(a.secondCorner - a.firstCorner) + norm(a.end - a.secondCorner)) in arrows
    ensure isEquilateral([a.start, a.firstCorner, a.secondCorner, a.end], false) in arrows

-- collect Box b into boxes {
--     centers = listof center from boxes
--     projected_centers = listof projected_center from boxes
--     encourage minimal(tsneEnergy(centers, projected_centers))
-- }

Error message:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: missing local
    at ru (index-0629f25b.js:236:22024)
    at AT (index-0629f25b.js:247:19681)
    at KAe (index-0629f25b.js:247:20722)
    at index-0629f25b.js:247:21692
    at (<anonymous>)
    at KU (index-0629f25b.js:247:21662)
    at ngt (index-0629f25b.js:247:24285)
    at hAt (index-0629f25b.js:266:2926)
    at async dAt (index-0629f25b.js:266:3451)
    at async CFe (index-0629f25b.js:308:7815)
index-0629f25b.js:236 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: missing local
    at ru (index-0629f25b.js:236:22024)
    at AT (index-0629f25b.js:247:19681)
    at KAe (index-0629f25b.js:247:20722)
    at index-0629f25b.js:247:21692
    at (<anonymous>)
    at KU (index-0629f25b.js:247:21662)
    at ngt (index-0629f25b.js:247:24285)
    at hAt (index-0629f25b.js:266:2926)
    at async dAt (index-0629f25b.js:266:3451)
    at async CFe (index-0629f25b.js:308:7815)
ru @ index-0629f25b.js:236
AT @ index-0629f25b.js:247
KAe @ index-0629f25b.js:247
(anonymous) @ index-0629f25b.js:247
KU @ index-0629f25b.js:247
ngt @ index-0629f25b.js:247
hAt @ index-0629f25b.js:266
index-0629f25b.js:236 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: missing local
    at ru (index-0629f25b.js:236:22024)
    at AT (index-0629f25b.js:247:19681)
    at KAe (index-0629f25b.js:247:20722)
    at index-0629f25b.js:247:21692
    at (<anonymous>)
    at KU (index-0629f25b.js:247:21662)
    at ngt (index-0629f25b.js:247:24285)
    at hAt (index-0629f25b.js:266:2926)
    at async dAt (index-0629f25b.js:266:3451)
    at async CFe (index-0629f25b.js:308:7815)
contextKeyService.ts:394 Element already has context attribute

Can't reproduce yet but created a sharable link for this trio: Thanks for reporting @Johnicholas!!

Interesting; that error message comes from here:

const getIndex = (locals: Locals, id: ad.Id): number => {
const local = safe(locals.indices.get(id), "missing local");
return (
numAddendParams +
(local.typename === "i32" ? 0 : locals.counts.i32) +

Seems like a bug? But @wodeni you said you're unable to reproduce?

Another occurrence of the same error message:

index-b4db132c.js:236 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: missing local
    at ru (index-b4db132c.js:236:22024)
    at AT (index-b4db132c.js:247:19681)
    at KAe (index-b4db132c.js:247:20722)
    at index-b4db132c.js:247:21692
    at (<anonymous>)
    at JU (index-b4db132c.js:247:21662)
    at rgt (index-b4db132c.js:247:24285)
    at fAt (index-b4db132c.js:266:2926)
    at async mAt (index-b4db132c.js:266:3451)
    at async wFe (index-b4db132c.js:308:7815)


.domain empty, .substance empty, .style:

canvas {
    width = 1000
    height = 1000

    COLOR_TRANSPARENT = #00000000
    COLOR_DEBUG = #ff0000ff
    COLOR_BLACK = #000000ff

    -- sqrtFirstRun = 10 -- or ?
    -- firstRun = sqr(sqrtFirstRun)
    -- a = (?, ?)
    -- b = a + (firstRun, 0)
    -- sqrtSecondRun = 10 -- or ?
    -- secondRun = sqr(sqrtSecondRun)
    -- sqrtRise = 10 -- or ?
    -- rise = sqr(sqrtRise)
    -- c = b + (secondRun, rise)
    -- sqrtThirdRun = 10 -- or ?
    -- thirdRun = sqr(sqrtThirdRun)
    -- d = c + (thirdRun, 0)
    -- ab = Line {
    --     start: a
    --     end: b
    -- }
    -- bc = Line {
    --     start: b
    --     end: c
    -- }
    -- cd = Line {
    --     start: c
    --     end: d
    -- }
    -- -- Polyline {
    -- --     points: [a, b, c, d]
    -- -- }
    -- -- ensure a[1] == b[1]
    -- -- ensure a[0] < b[0]
    -- -- ensure b[0] < c[0]
    -- -- ensure c[0] < d[0]
    -- -- ensure c[1] == d[1]
    -- -- ensure a[1] < c[1]
    -- -- firstCornerCenter = (?, ?)
    -- firstCornerCircle = Circle {
    --     fillColor: COLOR_TRANSPARENT
    --     r: 50
    --     strokeWidth: 1
    --     strokeColor: COLOR_BLACK
    -- }

    -- Circle {
    --     center:
    --     r: 6
    --     fillColor: COLOR_DEBUG
    -- }
    -- Circle {
    --     center: closestPointLine(a, b,
    --     r: 6
    --     fillColor: COLOR_DEBUG
    -- }
    -- Circle {
    --     center: closestPointLine(b, c,
    --     r: 6
    --     fillColor: COLOR_DEBUG
    -- }
    -- ensure 

    -- ensure signedDistanceLine(a, b, == firstCornerCircle.r
    -- ensure signedDistanceLine(b, c, == firstCornerCircle.r
    -- ensure signedArea([closestPointLine(a, b,,, closestPointLine(b, c,], true) > 10

    -- secondCornerCircle = Circle {
    --     fillColor: COLOR_TRANSPARENT
    --     r: 50
    --     strokeWidth: 1
    --     strokeColor: COLOR_BLACK
    -- }
    -- ensure signedDistanceLine(b, c, == secondCornerCircle.r
    -- ensure signedDistanceLine(c, d, == secondCornerCircle.r
    -- ensure[1] < c[1]
    -- Circle {
    --     center: closestPointLine(b, c,
    --     r: 6
    --     fillColor: COLOR_DEBUG
    -- }
    -- Circle {
    --     center: closestPointLine(c, d,
    --     r: 6
    --     fillColor: COLOR_DEBUG
    -- }

    -- a = (?, ?)
    -- b = (?, ?)
    -- c = (?, ?)
    -- d = (?, ?)
    -- line1 = Line {
    --     start: a
    --     end: b
    -- }
    -- circle1 = Circle {
    --     fillColor: COLOR_TRANSPARENT
    --     strokeWidth: 1
    --     strokeColor: COLOR_BLACK
    -- }
    -- ensure collinearOrdered(a, closestPointLine(a, b,, b)
    -- ensure vdist(closestPointLine(a, b,, == circle1.r
    -- line2 = Line {
    --     start: b
    --     end: c
    -- }
    -- ensure collinearOrdered(b, closestPointLine(b, c,, c)
    -- ensure vdist(closestPointLine(b, c,, == circle1.r

    a = (?, ?)
    b = (?, ?)
    c = (?, ?)
    d = (?, ?)
    Line {
        start: a
        end: b
    Line {
        start: b
        end: c
    Line {
        start: c
        end: d
    Circle {
        center: innerPointOffset(a, b, c, 50)
        r: 6
        fillColor: COLOR_DEBUG

I am guessing it has something to do with using the /try editor for a while.