penntaylor / outcome

Type-annotated Either monad for chaining fallible computations in python 3

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Chain potentially fallible computations without having to check return values at each step

Motivation, TL;DR version

Did-it-fail-before-I-continue-conditional-testing hell, like this:

first = foo(9)
if first:
    second = bar(first)
    if second:
        third = baz(second)
        if third:
           print("Computation chain succeeded: {}".format(third))
            print("baz failed")
        print("bar failed")
    print("foo failed")

becomes this:

result = foo(9) >> bar >> baz

for value in onSuccess(result):
    print("Computation chain succeeded: {}".format(value))

for reason in onFailure(result):

The >> infix operator should remind Haskellers of >>=, and FSharpers of |>. It can also be spelled as an instance method of Outcome, .then(). These two are equivalent:

result = foo(9) >> bar >> baz
result = foo(9).then(bar).then(baz)

Motivation, Director's Extended Cut

It's common in some problem domains to have a long sequence of transforms over a set of data, in which any transform in the series might fail and the computation should be stopped at that point.

One approach to this situation is to use conditional branching, inspecting the return value of each step along the way and stopping when the "failure" sentinel value appears. If the sequence of transforms is long, conditional branching can lead to noisy code that obscures the core logic. Often you can't use the same sentinel value for every step along the way, and the "did it fail?" conditions become easy-to-break code.

Another approach is to have each computation step raise an exception upon failure, and wrap the larger chain in a try...except block. Exceptions don't always seem to fit, though: if failure of a computation is "normal", then by definition it isn't exceptional, so raising an exception seems conceptually wrong. Client code calling into any individual function that is part of the chain will also have to be prepared to handle an exception that may otherwise halt the program.

In the functional paradigm, exceptions are usually a poor fit, and lots of conditional branching can quickly turn functional code into imperative code.

Outcome is one way to address the shortcomings of conditional branching and exceptions for these situations, and it plays nicely with code written in the functional paradigm.

Consider a sequence of computations that could fail:

# These implicitly return `None` as a sentinel to indicate a failed
# operation.

def foo(a):
    if a < 10:
        return a + 1

def bar(b):
    if b > 8:
        return b - 1

def baz(c):
    if c % 2 == 0:
        return c

A "chained" sequence of these functions using conditional branching looks like this:

first = foo(9)
if first:
    second = bar(first)
    if second:
        third = baz(second)
        if third:
           print("Computation chain succeeded: {}".format(third))
            print("baz failed")
        print("bar failed")
    print("foo failed")

# => baz failed

If the functions are rewritten to return a Success or Failure subclass of Outcome, the "chaining" logic becomes:

from outcome import onSuccess, onFailure

result = foo(9) >> bar >> baz

for value in onSuccess(result):
    print("Computation chain succeeded: {}".format(value))

for reason in onFailure(result):

# => baz failed

Okay, so how do the functions have to be written to support this? It's pretty simple; they just need to explcitly return a Success or Failure Outcome rather than raw values or implicit None:

# Notice that we now return an explicit `Failure` type rather than
# relying on an implicit `None` as a sentinel.

def foo(a):
    if a < 10:
        return Success(a + 1)
        return Failure("foo failed")

def bar(b):
    if b > 8:
        return Success(b - 1)
        return Failure("bar failed")

def baz(c):
    if c % 2 == 0:
        return Success(c)
        return Failure("baz failed")

The following convenience functions are also included:

  • failed
  • succeeeded
  • filterMapFailed
  • filterMapSucceeded

The first two, failed and succeeded are handy for conditionally branching on the success or failure of a result when all you care about is whether the whole chain ran to completion; that is, you don't care about what is inside the result. This is great for long chains that end in File IO, when all you want to know is whether the thing was written to disk at the end.

The next two, filterMapFailed and filterMapSucceeded are useful for mapping an operation over a Sequence of Outcomes, when you only want the operation to apply to one type of Outcome. For example, say you have a list of Outcomes called my_outcomes corresponding to some file operation that might fail. The Successes contain the name of the file, and the Failures contain the exception raised when the operation failed. You might then want to do something like this:

# get a list of every file that succeeded
theseWorked = list(filterMapSucceeded(lambda f: f, my_outcomes))

# log the exception for every file that failed
list(filterMapFailed(lambda e: logging.error(e), my_outcomes))

Notice in the example for filterMapFailed we converted to a list even though we weren't storing the value. filterMapFailed and filterMapSucceeded both return iterators -- which is nice because it allows for lazy evaluation -- so we have to use some outer operation to fully consume the iterator to ensure the lambda gets applied to all appropriate elements in my_outcomes. list works fine for this in a pinch, but if you find yourself doing this a lot, I highly recommend looking at the "recipes" in the itertools standard library and adding something like the consume function found there to your own bag of tricks.

Looks interesting, but I'm not going to rewrite all my functions to return Outcomes

The functions pureOutcome and liftOutcome let you use Outcomes for chaining without having to rewrite or manually wrap everything. pureOutcome can be used to turn a value into an appropriate Outcome so you can send it into a computation chain. liftOutcome turns a function returning a normal value into a function returning an Outcome. Remember the original versions of foo and bar up there, the ones that return either an int or a None? We can turn them into Outcomes on the fly:

result = pureOutcome(foo(9)) >> liftOutcome(bar) >> liftOutcome(baz)

See the docstrings for pureOutcome and liftOutcome; they contain additional information that is important for correct use. Pay special attention to the shape of the reason held by Failure when using these injections.

For those using a typechecker, it's important to recognize it is not generally possible to have a narrow, type-stable Left (Failure) when using pureOutcome and liftOutcome, due to the necessity of allowing anything to be used as a sentinel. You're pretty much stuck with Any as the type of Failure.reason when using these two functions.


Type-annotated Either monad for chaining fallible computations in python 3

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%