pengzhile / pqp

PQP Queue Processor - A high performance multi-process queue listener.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

PQP: A high performance multi-process queue listener


  • php >= 5.3.6
  • pcntl php extension
  • posix php extension
  • redis php extension (if you want to use the RedisQueue)
  • linux/unix operating system
  • use php cli


  • For native: download and unzip
  • For composer: composer require pengzhile/pqp


//require '/path/to/PQP/autoload.php';    // native autoloader
require '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';    // composer autoloader

use PQP\Contracts\Observer;
use PQP\Contracts\Queue;
use PQP\Listener;
use PQP\Queues\RedisQueue;

class Processor1 implements Observer
     * @param Queue $queue Current queue
     * @param int $workerId From 0 to $config['workerNum'] - 1
    public function update(Queue $queue, $workerId)
        list($key, $content) = $queue->current();
        echo 'key: ', $key, '; content: ', $content, '; from: ', $workerId, PHP_EOL;

// config.ini file copied from /path/to/PQP/config.ini.example
$listener = new Listener('config.ini');

// more processors [chain]
$listener->attach(new Processor1());

// RedisQueue require php redis extension
$listener->listen(new RedisQueue(array('queueKey1', 'queueKey2'), ''));

// after listen
// send SIGHUP(kill -1 <listener pid>) to listener process will restart all workers.
// send SIGTERM(kill <listener pid>) to listener process will stop PQP.
// send SIGINT(Ctrl+C or kill -2 <listener pid>) to listener process will stop PQP.


PQP Queue Processor - A high performance multi-process queue listener.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%