peng8350 / flutter_pulltorefresh

a widget provided to the flutter scroll component drop-down refresh and pull up load.

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add possibility to return RenderSliver instead of _RenderLayoutBuilder

abdullahalamodi opened this issue · comments

when I try to wrap SliverList with SmartRefersher inside CustomScrollView it gives me this error ->
A RenderViewport expected a child of type RenderSliver but received a child of type _RenderLayoutBuilder.
The relevant error-causing widget was

so I hope that anyone can customize SmartRefersher with some thing like SliverSmartRefersher to make it possible to add it as a child of CustomScrollView

this is the code that I want to achieve, what's give me the above error

                slivers: [
                    child: UserInfoWidget(
                      user: data,
                    pinned: true,
                    delegate: _PresistentHeaderDelegate(
                      child: const UserProfileTapWidget(),
                    onRefresh: () {},
                    controller: RefreshController(),
                    child: SliverList(
                      delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate(
                        (context, index) {
                          return const PostWidget(myPost: true);
                        childCount: 10,