PelionIoT / cloud-bluetooth-devicelink

Bridging BLE devices to Pelion Device Management

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Mbed Bluetooth Devicelink

This is an experimental way to connect Bluetooth Low Energy devices into Pelion Device Management, built on top of Mbed Edge.


  1. Install Mbed Edge - this application is tested with Mbed Edge 0.5.1.
  2. Install Node.js 8+.

Then, open a terminal and start Mbed Edge:

$ ./build/bin/edge-core -o 9101

Open a new terminal, and start Mbed Bluetooth Devicelink:

$ git clone
$ npm install
$ node bt.js --edge-url "ws+unix:///tmp/edge.sock:"

Setup in a VM

Mbed Edge only runs on Linux, but you can run it from a VM, and run Mbed Bluetooth Devicelink from your host OS.

On the VM, forward the socket over TCP:

$ socat TCP-LISTEN:22223,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CLIENT:/tmp/edge.sock

Then, start Mbed Bluetooth Devicelink:

$ node bt.js --edge-url "ws://YOUR_IP:22223"


Navigate to the web interface at http://localhost:3000 and add your device.

Note on macOS: If you don't see any devices, and --log-seen-devices yields your device with an 'unknown' MAC address; start the process with --mac-os-fix once, then start the process normally.


  • --log-seen-devices - logs all devices seen, useful for debugging.

Mapping from BLE to LWM2M

Because BLE devices use GATT services and characteristics and Pelion Device Management uses LWM2M resource models, we need to define a mapping between the two.

In the web interface there are two editors, one for read-mappings and one for write-mappings. In both of these you can use JavaScript to write the mappings.


You can re-use mappings. See the 'webserver/public/known-services' folder. If Bluetooth Devicelink encounters these services it will autogenerate the mapping.

Read mapping

Defines what should happen when translating BLE GATT characteristic value into LWM2M resource value. Is automatically called when a BLE NOTIFY event happens as well.

    // 3311/0/5706 is LWM2M resource here

    "3311/0/5706": function (m) {
        // m contains the full BLE GATT model (e.g. m['180a'] is the 180a service)
        // and m['180a']['2a29'] is char 2a29 under that service
        // Characteristics always return a Buffer, so you'll need to do some work to 'un-buffer' it.

        // read characteristics like: m['180a']['2a29'].toString('ascii'))
        var a = m['9900']['9901'];
        return (a[2] << 16) + (a[1] << 8) + a[2];

Write mapping

Defines what should happen when a resource was updated in Pelion Device Management, and what command should be sent to the BLE device.

    // 3357/0/5501 is the LWM2M resource

    "3357/0/5501": function (value, write) {
        // 'value' contains the new value (seen from Pelion Device Management) as a *string*
        // write is a function which you can use to write to a characteristic. it has 2 arguments
        //    * BLE path => '180a/2a29' for char 2a29 under service 180a
        //    * Buffer => array of bytes to be sent to this characteristic
        // example: write('180a/2a29', [ 0x10, 0x30 ])

        var v = Number(value);

        write('9900/9901', [ 0x23, v ]);

Firmware updates

Note: This is a preview, and is likely to change.

Mbed Bluetooth Devicelink can also handle firmware updates for BLE devices. It does this by intercepting an update that comes in from Pelion Device Management, verifying that it was signed by a trusted party, and then hand it off to the native firmware update method. This requires you to sign the update using the manifest-tool, and provision the public key used for this update into Devicelink.

Methods supported are:

  • Nordic legacy DFU.

The implementations are pluggable in ble-devicelink/firmware-updates.js.

An example firmware (with bootloader), an OTA image, and a pre-signed manifest are already available for the nRF52-DK. See the firmware/ folder. Flash the _BOOT image to your nRF52-DK, provision the device in Devicelink and upload the manifest to Pelion Device Management. Then start an update campaign from Pelion Device Management to update the device. You can also re-sign new firmware with the certificates provided in this folder.


  • Passcode screens are handled by the host OS, not by Devicelink itself. This is annoying when you're using a headless computer like a Raspberry Pi. Need to log into the machine to add authenticated devices.


Bridging BLE devices to Pelion Device Management

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 90.1%Language:HTML 9.0%Language:CSS 0.9%