pedropaulovc / CloudSim_DVFS

Experiments with the DVFS implementation of CloudSim

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Unable to run

niranjan92 opened this issue · comments

hi! I am new to cloudsim. Need to run an example for HEFT Policy. I tried modifying where I tried replacing PowerVmAllocationPolicySimpleWattPerMipsMetric with HEFTPolicy. But it didn't work giving following error:

The constructor PowerDatacenter(String, DatacenterCharacteristics, HEFTPolicy, LinkedList, double) is undefined

On further analysis, I found that HEFTPolicy extends Policy while PowerVmAllocationPolicySimpleWattPerMipsMetric extends VmAllocationPolicy.

Is there any code example by which I can get the HEFTPolicy running?

Hey Niranjan,

I'm sorry but it's been almost three years since I worked on this project. It would take me a long time to remember all details before I can answer your question.

Good luck with your research,
Pedro Paulo