pedrofolim / openshift-watch

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Openshift Watch API for node.

Fork of kube-watch

$ npm i openshift-watch

new OpenshiftWatch(resource, options) -> EventEmitter

import OpenshiftWatch from 'openshift-watch';

const deploymentconfigs = new OpenshiftWatch('deploymentconfigs', {
  url: 'https://openshiftserver:8443'   // Kubernetes API URL

  .on('added', event => {
    console.log('Deployment Config %s added to namespace %s',, event.metadata.namespace);
  .on('modified', event => {
    // do something...
  .on('deleted', event => {
    // something else..
  .on('error', err => {
    console.error('Error %d: %s', err.code, err.message);

By default, openshift-watch will first request Kubernetes API to fetch the last resourceVersion for requested resource. See Kubernetes documentation for more details.
If you want to specify resourceVersion manually, see Query Parameters section.

See Kubernetes API documentation for more details.

API v1

  • namespaces
  • endpoints
  • events
  • limitranges
  • persistentvolumeclaims
  • persistentvolumes
  • pods
  • podtemplates
  • replicationcontrollers
  • resourcequotas
  • secrets
  • serviceaccounts
  • service

API v1beta1

  • horizontalpodautoscalers
  • ingresses
  • jobs

** Openshift**

  • appliedclusterresourcequotas
  • buildconfigs
  • builds
  • clusternetworks
  • clusterresourcequotas
  • clusterrolebindings
  • clusterroles
  • deploymentconfigrollbacks
  • deploymentconfigs
  • egressnetworkpolicies
  • groups
  • hostsubnets
  • identities
  • images
  • imagesignatures
  • imagestreamimages
  • imagestreamimports
  • imagestreammappings
  • imagestreams
  • imagestreamtags
  • localresourceaccessreviews
  • localsubjectaccessreviews
  • netnamespaces
  • oauthaccesstokens
  • oauthauthorizetokens
  • oauthclientauthorizations
  • oauthclients
  • podsecuritypolicyreviews
  • podsecuritypolicyselfsubjectreviews
  • podsecuritypolicysubjectreviews
  • processedtemplates
  • projectrequests
  • projects
  • resourceaccessreviews
  • rolebindingrestrictions
  • rolebindings
  • roles
  • routes
  • selfsubjectrulesreviews
  • subjectaccessreviews
  • subjectrulesreviews
  • templates
  • useridentitymappings
  • user'

API version will be automatically selected depending on requested resource.

Watch all services in namespace public :

const services = new OpenshiftWatch('services', {
  url: 'http://kube-api-server',
  namespace: 'public'

Only watch service named www in namespace public :

const services = new OpenshiftWatch('services', {
  url: 'http://kube-api-server',
  namespace: 'public',
  name: 'www'

You can filter which events will be emitted using events option.
By default, openshift-watch will emit all k8s events: added, modified, deleted.

const namespaces = new OpenshiftWatch('namespaces', {
  url: 'http://openshift',
  events: [ 'added' ]   // watcher will only emit 'added' event

These extra query parameters are supported as option :

  • labelSelector
  • fieldSelector
  • resourceVersion
  • timeoutSeconds
const services = new OpenshiftWatch('services', {
  url: 'https://openshiftserver:8443',
  labelSelector: 'public-http',
  fieldSelector: 'event.status.podIP',
  resourceVersion: '6587423'

See documentation for more details about these options.

HTTP requests are performed using request package.
Pass custom options using request property.

const services = new OpenshiftWatch('services', {
  url: 'https://openshiftserver:8443',
  request: {
    timeout: 30000    // change HTTP request timeout

See request's http authentication

const services = new OpenshiftWatch('services', {
  url: 'https://openshiftserver:8443',
  request: {
    auth: {
      user: 'foobar'
      pass: 'el8'

See request's TLS/SSL support.

const services = new OpenshiftWatch('services', {
  url: 'https://openshiftserver:8443',
  request: {
    cert: fs.readFileSync(certFile),
    key: fs.readFileSync(keyFile),
    passphrase: 'password',
    ca: fs.readFileSync(caFile)

Run test.js in watch mode :

$ env KUBE_API_SERVER=https://openshiftserver:8443 \
    npm run test:watch

Single run :

$ env KUBE_API_SERVER=https://openshiftserver:8443 \
    npm run test:single

Run tests using minikube to simulate workload.
See test/

$ npm test
  • Improve test suites by simulating workload


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 84.8%Language:Shell 15.2%