pedroSG94 / RTSP-Server

Plugin of rtmp-rtsp-stream-client-java to stream directly to RTSP player.

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How to start video streaming automatically when CameraDemoActivit is ready?

gushangzao007 opened this issue · comments

My Target: start video streaming automatically when CameraDemoActivit is ready.

What I have done: move following code to the onCreate function of CameraDemoActivit.

What is the test result?

  1. video surface is always black in screen
  2. got Error from Toast: connection faild , nulll..bla bla

could you help to advise a correct method to start streaming automatically?
Thank you very much。

there are detail error information
Screenshot_20231129_113613_com maygarden ffmpeg5

by the way, I'm using Timer class in onCreate function as a work around method to temporally solve it. however personally I think this is not an elegant way.


You have that error because you need wait until the view is totally created.
The view is created when this callback is called:

override fun surfaceChanged(surfaceHolder: SurfaceHolder, i: Int, i1: Int, i2: Int) {

That is the reason because I call start preview here and not in onCreate.
And destroyed in this one:

override fun surfaceDestroyed(surfaceHolder: SurfaceHolder) {

Thanks a lot buddy! let me try

cool! work perfect! Thanks again!