pebble / pebblejs

Program the Pebble with simply JavaScript

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need a cloudpebble update

llamahunter opened this issue · comments

Have recent changes been pushed to cloudpebble? It's unclear. Documentation on does not show new apis.

No, not yet. I intend to update the version on CloudPebble once the following are documented:

  • New Card styles
  • Card colors
  • Menu colors
  • Element colors
  • Element borderWidth
  • Line element
  • Radial element
  • Platform module
  • Features module
  • WindowStack module (maybe)
  • Guide on using colors
  • Guide on feature detection
  • Window status nested accessor
  • Window size method
  • Settings config hash option

The following additional features need to be implemented for the documentation:

  • Support clay-style colors 0xRRGGBB
  • Support resource-style formatting for named colors, e.g. 'sunrise-orange' and 'SUNRISE_ORANGE'

And perhaps anything else I've missed. I'll update this checklist as I go, I'm likely to begin with supporting the additional ways to specify color.

Finally merged on CloudPebble! Sorry for the long wait.

w00t! Thx!