pebble / pebblejs

Program the Pebble with simply JavaScript

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Dictation Confirmation Window Missing

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According to the dictation API documentaion the user should be prompted with a comfirmation window after the input is read. Pebble.js dictation does not have this.

  • When the text is returned, the user is given the opportunity to review the result of the transcription. At this time they may elect to re-attempt the dictation by pressing the Back button and speaking clearer.

Note that if you use Voice.dictate('start', false, function(e) { ... });, there is no confirmation screen due to false.

Are you able to get the confirmation screen with this minimal app?

var Voice = require('ui/voice');

Voice.dictate('start', function(e) {

It should look like this after pressing select on the microphone screen:


There could be something else preventing the confirmation window from appearing, let me know if you have any ideas.

My bad, completely missed that! Thanks