pearofducks / rollup-plugin-dev

development server for rollup with additional logging and options

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Usage of websockets

johanvdw opened this issue · comments

As this issue is closed:

I wonder what's the correct method to use websockets.
Here is what I tried in my rollup.config.js:

     plugins: [
         !production && dev({
             extend: fp(async (server) => server.register(require("@fastify/websocket"))),
             basePath: '/live',
             onListen(server) {'Hello world')},
             proxy: [{from: '/metadata/', to: 'http://localhost:5001/metadata/'},{from: '/temperature/', to: 'http://localhost:5001/temperature/', opts: { websocket: true}}]

When trying to access the endpoint with a websocket (/temperature)
status code remains: '101 Switching Protocols'

All I can see from the root Fastify implementation is your upstream shouldn't be http protocol but ws.

Have you tried: to: 'ws://localhost:5001/temperature/'?

I tried that, but then the proxy gives a 501 (invalid frame header).

I've added a test for websocket proxying here - #28

I don't think you need extend in your config, Fastify's http-proxy already ships that as a dependency.

If it's still not working after removing that I can't do much to help.

Thanks, without the extend, things looks better now. I did notice that the websocket is now binary rather than text. I'll try to handle this.