voxpupuli / puppet-collectd

Collectd module for Puppet

Home Page:https://forge.puppet.com/puppet/collectd

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Collectd network plugin requires two puppet runs

johnf opened this issue · comments


This depends on collectd_version. The fact is being evaluated at catalog compile time which is before collectd is installed. So it probably ends up as nil, so the SecurityLevel isn't set.

Then on a second run when it detects collectd 5 is installed then it adds the SecurityLevel

Not sure what a good solution to this problem is though. Maybe the fact could work out what version is going to be installed? Something like

apt-cache madison collectd | grep Packages | head -1 | awk -F\| '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/-.*//'

I agree with you, but your suggestion depends too much on the provider used by the package type.

I can't think of a better way to do either

Yeah I haven’t thought of a good solution yet for this problem. It affects all the plugins that check for collectd version.


When I look on how we use this fact, it appear we are discriminating against a rather big version number. Couldn't we take the approach of discriminating against ::lsbdistrelease ?

I'm not sure it will be enough. If one uses a special repository, he could have a different version of collectd than the one expected with a given dist.

We could add $::lsbdistcodename version defaults and allow it to be overridden by the user but then we have to maintain a list for the life time of the module which is not very appealing.

Any work around about this issue ?

--later :
I have found a small work around that works for me. I have created a facter script to overwrite the collectd_version in order that the plugins to be placed at the first run of puppet.

Facter.add("collectd_version") do
setcode do

Here is another suggestion:
instead of using the fact directly in the ERB templates, why not use a class variable (e.g. $_collectd_version) which is set based on one of the following sources:

  • $version (if it represents an explicit version - major.minor.revision parts only)
  • $collectd_version fact, if not undef / nil
  • default version supplied from hiera or minimum version supported by this module

This permits the system administrator to use an explicit version for the package and get a single puppet run and/or to supply a default minimum version if these are not set.
e.g. assuming class with defaults as follows (untested)

class collectd(
  $version  = installed,
  $collectd_default_version = '5.0.0',
) inherits collectd::params {
   $_collectd_version = pick( regsubst($version, '^\d+\.\d+\.\d+', '\0'), $collectd_version, $collectd_default_version)

Then use $_collectd_version in the ERB templates.

What do you think? If you think its worthwhile I can attempt a pull request.

@johnf, @txaj, @jpoittevin, @ngagecj:
Any comment on my potential solution above? I'm happy to create a PR if its considered reasonable.


This is a great idea!

In your PR you may want 1/ not to break compatibility by setting the $collectd_default_version to undef, so it'll still need two runs if not explicitly configured 2/ document this feature both in the "usage" section and down the README with a format like "Puppet needs two runs to correctly write my conf, why ?" and refer to this issue

@txaj: I've raised the PR as requested.
I've tested this but it relies upon the user loading the collectd class before instantiating any plugin classes. I'm not sure there's a way around this.
Tests for the plugins have been updated but there isn't an easy way of testing the version selector as its only exposed by an internal variable.

Rebased to current master

with the closing of #305 can we close this issue, too?