pdnminh99 / justclass-backend-app

Back-End repository for JustClass application.

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Just Class back-end application


  • Semester: 19.2A - 1933
  • Goals: Develop a classroom management application using Flutter & Spring Boot.

Techs used

  • GCP App Engine Standard.
  • GCP Firestore Native.
  • Spring Boot.

How to run project locally


  • Must include google credentials file in project's root directory, since this project is using GCP Firestore service. Rename as key.json.
  • JDK11 and above, since this project use some features not included in JDK8 (for example, type inference var or functional method ifPresentOrElseGet, etc.).
  • Maven 3.6.3 and above.


  • Clone the project.
  • Create GCP Firestore (Native) service, download google credentials key, rename it as key.json and place it at the root of the project.
  • Run from terminal mvn spring-boot:run

Deploy on GCP App Engine

  • Create a project on App Engine.
  • Create App Engine standard service and Firestore (Native) service, download google credentials key, rename it as key.json and place it at the root of the project.
  • Modify app.yaml located in src/main/appengine directory. Replace environment variable GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT as current projectId.
  • Run from terminal mvn package appengine:deploy -Dapp.deploy.projectId=[YOUR_PROJECT_ID].


Back-End repository for JustClass application.


Language:Java 92.3%Language:HTML 5.6%Language:TypeScript 1.6%Language:JavaScript 0.4%Language:CSS 0.0%