pdfcpu / pdfcpu

A PDF processor written in Go.

Home Page:http://pdfcpu.io/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error Merge: dict=formFieldDict required entry=Subtype missing

irwaank opened this issue · comments

[x] Your issue is based on the latest commit
[x] State your OS and OS version: MacOS 13.6.3

Here is my information:

$ pdfcpu version
pdfcpu: v0.7.0 dev

$ pdfcpu validate pp.pdf
validating(mode=relaxed) pp.pdf ...
validation error (obj#:13): dict=formFieldDict required entry=Subtype missing

$ pdfcpu merge invoice.pdf ba.pdf pp.pdf
writing invoice.pdf...
dict=formFieldDict required entry=Subtype missing

If you need the file (the file contains the PII), I will email you.

Thank you for your help!

Do your input files pass validation?
pdfcpu val abc.pdf

No, here is the result:
$ pdfcpu validate pp.pdf
validating(mode=relaxed) pp.pdf
validation error (obj#:13): dict=formFieldDict required entry=Subtype missing

And I read your specification in validate section

I get the the pdf file from my client, and I can't instructed them to change the format of their pdf output.

Do you have any another suggestion ?

send me the file so I can provide a fix

This should be fixed with the latest commit!