pdfcpu / pdfcpu

A PDF processor written in Go.

Home Page:http://pdfcpu.io/

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Suspects unsupported in version 1.4

dougwettlaufer opened this issue · comments

We're using this library for merging PDFs we receive from a PDFWriter. Everything has been going well until recently our call to api.MergeRaw has started failing with the following:

2024/02/28 12:51:21 dict=markInfoDict entry=Suspects: unsupported in version 1.4
This file could be PDF/A compliant but pdfcpu only supports versions <= PDF V1.7

It seems that they're using the wrong version on their PDFs which we're hoping to work with them to correct. Assuming this correction is made we're still left with a number of PDFs in this state so is there anything we can do to make MergeRaw work with these files?

Attached is a crash report generated with pdfcpu validate -v on macOS 13.5.2 (the errors during merging were originally seen when running in a linux based Docker container but reproduced on the same Mac).



Fixed with latest commit!
Thank you for using pdfcpu 💚

You rock! Thanks for the quick turnaround @hhrutter

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