pdeljanov / infinality-remix

Arch Linux PKGBUILDs for Infinality patched FreeType, Fontconfig, and Cairo packages

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Breaks Emoji

scyt opened this issue · comments


No emoji fonts will display after installing. I have Noto Color Emoji installed, and use this fontconfig to display it, but switching to infinality-remix has caused all emoji to display as blank. fc-match for any emoji returns Roboto instead.

I don't think you need the linked instructions, I managed to fix it by adjusting some fontconfig symlinks. Do the changes below work for you?

cd /etc/fonts/conf.d
sudo ln -s ../conf.avail/45-generic.conf 45-generic.conf
sudo ln -s ../conf.avail/60-generic.conf 60-generic.conf
sudo rm 82-no-embedded-bitmaps.conf
fc-cache -rf

After doing this fc-match emoji should return an Emoji font. I have extra/noto-fonts-emoji installed so it returns Noto Color Emoji. Changes in other apps will appear after you restart them.


Those changes fix it, thank you! I also needed this symlink for bitmap scaling:

sudo ln -s ../conf.avail/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf 10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf

Thanks for the confirmation. Was wondering if that was needed, but it seemed to work fine without it. Good to know!

Fixed my issue too, Thank you.