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Feature Request: combination of bibm ads-search and bibm ads-add

AaronDavidSchneider opened this issue · comments

Thanks again for this incredible tool! Its in my daily use for organising my references.

My usual way to add a paper is the following:
bibm ads-search
bibm ads-add (I always use AuthorYear as key)
bibm open (to fetch the pdf)

I have a quick thought:
Why not link these commands? Maybe by using a format specifier (e.g. AuthorYear) for the citekey?
If overwriting ads-search isn't feasable, then maybe add a new command, like ads-search-add

What do you think? 🤔

Again: Very nice tool!

Hi Aaron,
Thank you very much for your words! I'm glad that this is of use to others :)

I have two thoughts about this:

1.- Linking ads-add and open should be no problem (a lot of times I also wished I could run these two at once). IMO the simplest option would be to add a -open or -fetch flag to ads-add. So, in my workflow after an ads-search I'd do this:

bibm ads-add '2018A&A...617L...7S' Schneider2018
bibm fetch Schneider2018

The idea would be to have something like this:

bibm ads-add -open '2018A&A...617L...7S' Schneider2018


bibm ads-add -fetch '2018A&A...617L...7S' Schneider2018

This is feasible, and I don't think very complicated to implement. Does this sound like what you are looking for?

2.- Linking all three commands is more tricky, because the ads-search could return more than one result. Are you thinking of a Google-style "I'm feeling lucky" kind of workflow? Also, in general I try to avoid any scenario that needs to default an entry's key, because this is a very opinionated matter. I don't know, I feel like you need to know the output of an ads-search before deciding what to do next. I don't see how this could work, but if you have a more clear idea of the user-inputs, let me know :)



thanks for the reply and for citing my paper 😊

I totally agree! Step 1 would already be very useful.

Regarding part 2:
I thought more about prompting. Like this:
bibm ads-search-add results in

(Press 'tab' for autocomplete)                                                  
author:"^Cubillos, Patricio" year:2018                                          

Title: Mass-loss rate constraints on the observed distribution of exoplanets
Authors: Cubillos, Patricio; et al.
adsurl:  https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018EPSC...12..769C
bibcode: 2018EPSC...12..769C

Title: Open-source Software for Exoplanet Atmospheric Modeling
Authors: Cubillos, Patricio; et al.
adsurl:  https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018AAS...23143918C
bibcode: 2018AAS...23143918C

which then prompts for example:

Do you want to add a paper? [Y/N/key]

where you can directly paste a key from above.

Something like this.

;) Aha, I see now. Yeah, that makes sense, I like it. And I think it's doable.
Thanks for the feedback! I'll try to find some time to make this work.

Awesome! Thanks.

OK!, Aaron, it took me some more thinking than I expected, but now one can add entries and/or fetch-open PDFs directly after an ADS search.
I updated the docs with a couple of examples (https://bibmanager.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ads.html#ads-search).

You can fetch/open PDFs even if they are not in your database.
Thanks for a great suggestion.

Resolved by b88f3fb

Thanks! I will try ASAP.
Looks very good from the documentation.