pcbreflux / espressif

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ESP-IDF version

JanJansen47 opened this issue · comments


My main interest is the MQTT example you made and got compilation errors in eclipse as well as with the ESP-IDF(same errors) . Furthermore compiled most of your apps and found that not all of them compiled correctly. So I wonder whether you compiled them against the current ( Beta) ESP-IDF?


sorry for that, it is a problem for me as well because the esp-idf is updated nearly every day. I try to use git pull once a week to stay updated with my last code but don't have time to update everything. So if you just focus on mqtt you could use todays (b8e2edc9) git version with xtensa 5.2.0 compiler. If you have an specific issue with one example i can manage to update this code.

have a nice day

have you checked your xtensa version? I would close this issue in some days, if its OK for you?
If not please open an issue for a specific example.

thanks and have a nice day

For the mqtt examples I have to guess: can you reduce the path, maybe it's to long for yor OS?
For the esp-hal I have to change the code since espressif have done some major changes on the code, update coming soon.


this is what I am doing to build fresh copy from git with your path:

mkdir ESP32_Prog
cd ESP32_Prog
git clone git@github.com:pcbreflux/espressif.git espressif-master
cd ~/ESP32_Prog/espressif-master/esp32/app/ESP32_mqtt_secure_subscribe

-> no error (only two warnings)

cd ~/ESP32_Prog/espressif-master/esp32/app/ESP32_mqtt_secure_publish
make menuconfig
make -j8 all

-> no error (only two warnings)

This is what I am using
uname -a
Linux 4.4.0-62-generic
make -v
GNU Make 4.1
xtensa-esp32-elf-cc --version
xtensa-esp32-elf-cc (crosstool-NG crosstool-ng-1.22.0-61-gab8375a) 5.2.0
python -V
Python 2.7.12

Hope this helps in a way?

Have a nice day


now I've managed to update all my code to work with the latest esp-idf and xtensa 5.2.0 so I close this issue today.

have a great day