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Issues while installing dependencies for Gransk

Viseshini opened this issue · comments

I have followed the instruction as mentioned in the read me to use gransk with the Python implementation.
I ran:
python -m setup.py download

It returns that polygot is not recognizes as a command.

So I try to install polyglot using
pip install polyglot and apparently it needs pycld2 and pyicu
When I try to install pyciu(pip isntall pyicu) it returns an error
Failed to build pyicu polyglot 16.7.4 requires pycld2>0.3, which is not installed

When I try to install pycld2(pip install pycld2) it returns an error
polyglot 16.7.4 requires pyICU>1.8, which is not installed

I have referred other github issues too, to install icu, pyicu and pycld2 but with no success.

I don't know how to proceed from here to install polyglot and start working with Gransk. Any help or guidance is appreciated.

Are you using WSL? This works for me on WSL (Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS):

sudo apt-get install python-numpy libicu-dev && sudo pip3 install pyicu

No I'm just using the regular windows

In that case, I do believe this will be the solution for you #91 comment

Yes thank you that installed polyglot. But when I run it(polyglot) on command line it returns:

pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The 'pycld2>=0.3' distribution was not found and is required by polyglot

When I try: pip3 install pycld2, it returns:

Failed building wheel for pycld2
Failed to build pycld2
polyglot 16.7.4 requires PyICU>=1.8, which is not installed.

When I try pip3 intall pyicu, it returns:

Failed building wheel for pyicu
Running setup.py clean for pyicu
Failed to build pyicu
polyglot 16.7.4 requires pycld2>=0.3, which is not installed.

This is Catch 22. I don't know how to install both.

In that case, I do believe this will be the solution for you #91 comment


This actually solved my issue. I just had to install pyicu and pycld2using using the binaries

Got the pyicu and pycld2 from https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#pyicu

Installed morfessor using the tar.gz file from there website and pip

pip install morfessor-2.0.3.tar.gz

Thanks Øyvind and others! Closing