pcarney8 / rh-applier-ci-cd

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Open Innovation Labs CI/CD

The goal of this repository is to:

  1. bootstrap Labs residencies will all the tools necessary for a comprehensive, OpenShift native CI/CD pipeline
  2. serve as a reference implementation of the openshift-applier model for Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC)

A few additional guiding principles:

  • This repository is built to ensure all the individual components are integrated and can be deployed together.
  • It is likely that your residency will need to remove some components in this inventory and then add others. Thus, every residency team is encouraged to create a fork of this repo and modify to their needs. A few things to consider for your fork:
    • If possible, remove local templates and update your inventory to point to the templates in a tag of labs-ci-cd. This encourages reuse, as well as contributions back to the upstream effort.
    • If you build new, reusable features in your fork, contribute them back!
  • Generally speaking, there should only be one tool per functional use case e.g. Sonatype Nexus is the artifact repository so we will not support JFrog Artifactory

How it Works

There is ansible inventory which identifies all components to be deployed to an OpenShift cluster. The ansible layer is very thin. It simply provides a way to orchestrate the application of OpenShift templates across one or more OpenShift projects. All configuration for the applications should be defined by an OpenShift template and the corresponding parameters file. Please see the inventory for an up to date list of components.

Getting Started With Docker

There are two ways to use Labs CI/CD. The preferred approach is to run the playbook using a docker container. This ensures consistency of the execution environment for all users. If you cannot use docker for some reason, read the Getting Started Without Docker section.



  1. Log on to an OpenShift server oc login -u <user> https://<server>:<port>/
    • Your user needs permissions to deploy ProjectRequest objects.
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. To see the usage options:
    • [labs-ci-cd]$ ./run.sh
  4. Apply both inventories:
  • [ci-cd]$ ./run.sh ansible-playbook apply.yml -i inventory/ -e target=bootstrap
  • [ci-cd]$ ./run.sh ansible-playbook apply.yml -i inventory/ -e target=tools
  • [ci-cd]$ ./run.sh ansible-playbook apply.yml -i inventory/ -e target=secrets --ask-vault-pass #TODO: fix/make sure this will work with docker

Getting Started Without Docker

It's possible that you cannot run docker on your machine for some reason. No fear, this was the common way of using Labs CI/CD for a long time.


  • Ansible 2.5 or above. Until 2.5 is GA, that likely means you need the following command:
    • pip install git+https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git@devel
  • OpenShift CLI Tools
  • Access to the OpenShift cluster
  • libselinux-python (only needed on Fedora, RHEL, and CentOS)
    • Install by running yum install libselinux-python.


  1. Log on to an OpenShift server oc login -u <user> https://<server>:<port>/
    • Your user needs permissions to deploy ProjectRequest objects.
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. Install the required openshift-applier dependency:
    • [ci-cd]$ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --roles-path=roles
  4. Apply both inventories:
  • [ci-cd]$ ansible-playbook apply.yml -i inventory/ -e target=bootstrap
  • [ci-cd]$ ansible-playbook apply.yml -i inventory/ -e target=tools
  • [ci-cd]$ ansible-playbook apply.yml -i inventory/ -e target=secrets --ask-vault-pass OR create ansible password file, then set environment variable ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=~/.yourpasswordfile.txt

Running a Subset of the Inventory

  1. See the docs in the openshift-applier repo.
  2. The only required tag to deploy objects within the inventory is projects, all other tags are optional
  3. If using ./run.sh and docker, here is an example that runs the tags that provision nexus and jenkins objects:
./run.sh ansible-playbook apply.yml -i inventory/ -e target=tools -e filter_tags=jenkins,nexus

If not using docker/./run.sh, here is the same example:

ansible-playbook apply.yml -i inventory/ -e target=tools -e filter_tags=jenkins,nexus


  • inventory: a standard ansible inventory.
    • the hosts has different host groups such that different sets up templates can be run against each host group (e.g. bootstrap vs tools). since the OpenShift cli will run local, the inventories only have localhost and local ansible connection.
    • host_vars: the each var file is a variable definition that enumerates the templates and params defined previously and is written according to the convention defined by the openshift-applier role.
  • openshift-templates: a set OpenShift templates to be sourced from the inventory. OpenShift provides a lot of templates out of the box, so these are only to fill in gaps. If possible, reuse or update these templates before writing new ones.
  • params: a set of parameter files to be processed along with their respective OpenShift template. the convention here is to group files by their application. TODO: FINISH THIS SECTION

Common Issues

  • S2I Build fails to push image to registry with error: build error: Failed to push image: unauthorized: authentication required


  1. Fork the repo and open PR's
  2. Add all new components to the inventory with appropriate namespaces and tags
  3. Extended the Jenkinsfile with steps to verify that your components built/deployed correctly
  4. For now, it is your responsibility to run the CI job. Please contact an admin for the details to set the CI job up.


ASL 2.0


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Groovy 84.4%Language:Shell 15.6%