pbucci / MotionDetection

Motion detection project for art show

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Motion detection project for art show

To run the interactive program:

First open up the Processing program by double-clicking on ultrasonic_detection - Shortcut. You can also find this in the ultrasonic_detection folder in the file called ultrasonic_detection.pde.

Ensure the speakers are plugged in, or the program will throw an error.

Click on the circular play button in the top left corner.

You should see distance values logging in the console. These are in inches. Ensure that the sensor is operating correctly by determining whether these are reasonable values.

If there is a problem here, e.g. the distance values are unreasonably high or low, the port name may need to be changed. I have matched each Arduino with a computer so this shouldn’t happen, but if it does, check out the attached video/below instruction to determine the correct port name, then enter in the code.

The first thing the program logs is a list of port names. If the distance values are all very large or very small, try the next port name on the list. See video in the folder to see how to check and set port names: ultrasonic_detection/ how_to_check_port_names.mp4

The console will also log when the program resets the song.

Each computer should be set to a default song and clearly labeled. However, you can change the songs by uncommenting the line that has the filename of the song you want to play.

Make sure to comment/delete the line(s) that the songs you do not want to play.

Uncommenting means deleting the two forward slashes in front of a line. The line should become colourful.

Commenting means adding two slashes in the front of a line. The line should become grey.


For any problems, feel free to shoot me an email at hello@paulbucci.ca, or call me at 604-615-3069.

If the sensor values are absurd, ensure that you (1) have cleared the area in front of the sensor; (2) have entered the correct COM port; (3) have the ground, power, and data cables in the correct positions. If all else fails, try unplugging/replugging the Arduino and restarting the Processing program.

If people aren’t being detected, ensure that (1) there isn’t any interference; (2) that the sensor is within 7ft of a typical person’s body; (3) that the distance values are reasonable (see above); (4) amend the samples per second (i.e. filterWidth) or filter type (i.e. min/max/median; see above).

To tell if there’s interference, check the distance values being printed to the console. If they are rapidly changing between high and low values, there is likely interference. Try (1) repositioning the sensor; (2) changing the number of samples per second/filter method.

If the sensor is still too sensitive, change the distance threshold.

lf the song isn’t playing, ensure that the song title is correctly entered. All songs are under ultrasonic_detection/data.

For more information, read the datasheets under ultrasonic_detection/datasheets. If the program throws an error, just close the program window and press “Play” again.

Again, if all else fails, try the classic “unplug-replug-restart” fix.

If needed, the code is stored in a private repository at github.com/pbucci/MotionDetection. All computers should be set up to automatically sign in to my account.


The current algorithm works like this:

If an object is detected within 7ft of the sensor, fade the song in. If the song is playing, and an object is detected, keep playing. If the song ends and an object is still detected, replay the song. If an object is not detected, wait 5 seconds, then fade out. If an object is detected within 10 seconds, fade back in from the same place in the song. If no objects have been detected for 10 seconds, reset the song.

The parameters of the fades/pauses/reset times can be edited in the code under the ‘Options’ heading.

Ultrasonic range finding works like a sonar. The device measures the amount of time it takes a sound wave to be emitted then reflected from an object. This is converted to an analog signal, i.e. a voltage, which is measured by the Arduino. The range of the sensor is roughly 8ft within a 2ft cylinder.

The biggest drawback of ultrasonic sensors is that they can interfere with each other (when one sensor sends out a signal that the other detects). To minimize interference, set them up such that they do not point at each other, nor can the signals be easily reflected into each other.

The current detection algorithm further minimizes interference by taking many samples (100/second) and finding the maximum value. This decreases the responsiveness and sensitivity of the sensor, but also decreases the chance of accidental triggers. If the sensor is not reacting quickly enough, decrease the filterWidth and change the filter type to medianFilter or minFilter.


Motion detection project for art show


Language:Processing 72.3%Language:Arduino 27.7%