pbashivan / EEGLearn

A set of functions for supervised feature learning/classification of mental states from EEG based on "EEG images" idea.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

can you please upload training code for sample data?

anindyasarkarIITH opened this issue · comments

do you have the training code?
I tried the following code:

import eeglearn
import eeglearn.eeg_cnn_lib as eeglib
import scipy.io as sio
locs = sio.loadmat('/home/anindya/Projects/EEGLearn-master/Sample data/Neuroscan_locs_orig.mat')
locs_a = locs['A']
features = sio.loadmat('/home/anindya/Projects/EEGLearn-master/Sample data/FeatureMat_timeWin.mat')
features_a = features['features']
images = eeglib.gen_images(locs_a, features_a, 1024)

but it is giving the assertion error in gen_images function

thanks..it's working..