pbashivan / EEGLearn

A set of functions for supervised feature learning/classification of mental states from EEG based on "EEG images" idea.

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I use your code on my EEG data,But the accuracy is 32%,can you help me?

wuguowei1994 opened this issue · comments

I write a blog,and upload my brain data on internet,you can download my data on my blog.
It's 64 electrodes.
blog link : http://wuguowei.com/wordpress/archives/1592
EEG data link : http://wuguowei.com/nextcloud/index.php/s/ZTsym242i4ZZrvn

Several questions:

  1. Have you tried any simple models like SVC to see what the baseline accuracy is?
  2. How are you preprocessing your data? Are you standardizing it? I'm assuming you are extracting the power features from relevant frequency bands.
  3. Have you looked at the generated images to see if they look correct?