pavelm2007 / django-pdfutils

PDF utils

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple django app to generate PDF documents.


  1. In your, add pdfutils to your INSTALLED_APPS.
  2. (r'^reports/', include(, to your
  3. Create a file in any installed django application.
  4. Create your report(s)
  5. Profit!

Note: If you are using buildout, don't forget to put pdfutils in your eggs section or else the django-pdfutils dependencies wont be installed.

Example report

Reports are basically views with custom methods and properties.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _

from pdfutils.reports import Report
from pdfutils.sites import site
from pdfutils.utils import memoize

class MyUserReport(Report):
    title = _('Users')
    template_name = 'myapp/reports/users-report.html'
    slug = 'users-report'
    orientation = 'portrait'

    def get_users(self):
        This method is not necessary, it is used to showcase the
        memoize decorator which is included in utils. This prevent
        methods from computing their output twice.
        return User.objects.filter(is_staff=True)

    def get_styles(self):
        It is possible to add or override style like so
        return super(AccountStatementReport, self).get_styles()

    def filename(self):
        The filename can be generated dynamically and translated
        return _('Users-report-%(count)s.pdf') % {'count': self.get_users().count() }

    def get_context_data(self):
        Context data is injected just like a normal view
        context = super(AccountStatementReport, self).get_context_data()
        context['user_list'] = self.get_users()
        return context


The slug should obviously be unique since it is used to build the report URL.

For example, with the default settings and URLs, the URL for report above would be /reports/users-report/.

Example template

        {{ STYLES|safe }}
    <body class="{% if landscape %}landscape{% else %}portrait{% endif %}">
            {% for user in user_list %}
            <li>{{ user }}</li>
            {% endif %}

Some template variables are injected by default in reports:

  • title
  • slug
  • orientation

Overriding default CSS

Since the default CSS (base.css, portrait.css, landscape.css) are normal static files, they can be overrided from any other django app which has a pdfutils folder in their static folder.

Note: Be sure your applications are listed in the right order in INSTALLED_APPS !


  • django >=1.4, < 1.5.99
  • decorator == 3.4.0, <= 3.9.9
  • PIL == 1.1.7
  • reportlab == 2.5
  • html5lib == 0.90
  • httplib2 == 0.7.4
  • pyPdf == 1.13
  • xhtml2pdf == 0.0.4
  • django-xhtml2pdf == 0.0.3

Note: dependencies are specified in, thus are installed automatically.


This project was created and is sponsored by:

Motion Média (


PDF utils