pavedroad-io / roadctl

A kubectl compatible CLI for managing and creating applications and defining/managing CI/CD environments. The roadctl command uses blueprints based on provent design patterns driven by produciton metrics.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Fix dependancy graphs to work with Go Modules

jscharber opened this issue · comments

This broken when we moved from dep to mods


This has two parts
-1 roadctl has been converted
For roadctl, godepgraph seems to work. I requires a list of exception for libraries that do not support go modules yet.
-p ignores entire prefixes, in this case hashicorp seems a lager
-i ignores import paths
-s ignores standard libraries

$ go get
$ godepgraph -s -i, -p . | dot -Tpng -o godepgraph.png

-2 templates are still using dep
Can use existing make file code