paulyoder / LinqToExcel

Use LINQ to retrieve data from spreadsheets and csv files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

String In conversion occur data lost

tomatopunk opened this issue · comments

Raw data Length total is 636
Converted to memory Obj Length total is 424

Can you configure this restriction?
How to solve my question

I'm not sure to what you are referring. I need more details.

I have the similar issue i.e. I have following data in a column
"E11.00; E11.01; E11.21; E11.22; E11.29; E11.311; E11.319; E11.321; E11.3211; E11.3212; E11.3213; E11.3219; E11.329; E11.3291; E11.3292; E11.3293; E11.3299; E11.331; E11.3311; E11.3312; E11.3313; E11.3319; E11.339; E11.3391; E11.3392; E11.3393; E11.3399; E11.341; E11.3411; E11.3412; E11.3413; E11.3419; E11.349; E11.3491; E11.3492; E11.3493; E11.3499; E11.351; E11.3511; E11.3512; E11.3513; E11.3519; E11.3521; E11.3522; E11.3523; E11.3529; E11.3531; E11.3532; E11.3533; E11.3539; E11.3541; E11.3542; E11.3543; E11.3549; E11.3551; E11.3552; E11.3553; E11.3559; E11.359; E11.3591; E11.3592; E11.3593; E11.3599; E11.36; E11.37X1; E11.37X2; E11.37X3; E11.37X9; E11.39; E11.40; E11.41; E11.42; E11.43; E11.44; E11.49; E11.51; E11.52; E11.59; E11.610; E11.618; E11.620; E11.621; E11.622; E11.628; E11.630; E11.638; E11.641; E11.649; E11.65; E11.69; E11.8; E11.9"

but it returns only

Hmmm, might be a limitation in the db driver. Unfortunately I won't have time to look into it for awhile. So I can't promise anything :(

I am not able to reproduce the issue you are seeing (as far as I understand it). I created a worksheet that has a column that contains over 7000 characters in one of its cells, and I was able to read every character out of it...

Please provide the following details:

  1. Version of LinqToSql
  2. Is your application 32, or 64 bit?
  3. Version of Windows
  4. Windows region information (e.g. format "English (United States)")
  5. Whether you are using the Microsoft ACE database engine, and its version.

Also, if you can provide a sample of the code you're using that results in the behaviour you've described, that would be helpful. Additionally if you could re-create the issue in a similar workbook, and attach that here, that would also be very helpful.


Hi. I have the same problem. If you want to reproduce the issue, you should make an excel file with more than 8 rows and put your long text in the last row. this problem happens because of OLEDB's type guessing which by default, looks at the first 8 rows and decides which type it is. if the first 8 rows were shorter than 255 characters it would truncate the rest of rows.
+My LinqToSql version is 1.11.0
+My application is 64 bit
+Windows 10 pro

is end,closed