paulperegud / batchio

io:format middle-man that buffers and batches output sent to the io server for better throughput

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Experimental project to batch calls to io:format/2 in order to save time over communication and whatnot whenever the central io server of an Erlang node becomes a bottleneck


rebar get-deps compile

running tests

rebar get-deps compile && rebar ct skip_deps=true


batchio:format("abc: ~p~n", [myreq]).

Note that if batchio isn't started, batchio:format/1-2 will redirect calls to io:format/1-2.


All configurations can be done using Erlang's OTP applications' usual env variables.

  • buffer: Before starting batchio, you can define a maximal buffer size by setting the env variable buffer to an integer. As many slots will be allocated in batchio's queue buffer. Note that this size cannot be changed dynamically at this time, but is on the roadmap for whenever someone will need it.
  • page_size: This variable allows to define how many bytes will be sent on each batch for the messages. This value can be modified dynamically, on a global level (which is fine because batchio exists globally only)
  • leader: determines where to send the IO data. By default, batchio will use its original group_leader() value for that (its application controller, forwarding to either the local user process, or a remote one depending on how the node has been started (see for details). This value cannot be changed dynamically yet.


Benchmarks are run sequentially to provide an alright snapshot of performance, while voiding complex issues of synchronizing concurrent pieces of code to know when we're done. Benchmarks are run with:

batchio_bench:run(40000, 4096, [noop], 10000, 25).

Meaning batchio has 40k elements available in its buffer, will send data in pages of 4096 bytes, will use a fake IO server that doesn't actually do output, and will send 10000 random 25-bytes messages as fast as possible. The messages are sent as lists (so we get a good picture of message passing overhead) called with both io:format/3 (directly to the fake IO Server) and benchio:format/1.

The results are returned of the form:

{ok, [{regular,{MicroSecs,ok}},
      {batchio,{Microsecs,[{total,Handled}, {dropped, MessagesNotDelivered}]}}]}

All benchmarks here are run on a MBP running OSX 10.8.4, on 2 GHZ Intel Core i7, with 8GB 1600Mhz DDR3 memory, running Erlang R16B.

Multiple runs, noop

Raw results:

1> batchio_bench:run(40000, 4096, [noop], 10000, 25).
2> batchio_bench:run(40000, 4096, [noop], 100000, 25).
3> batchio_bench:run(40000, 4096, [noop], 1000000, 25).
4> batchio_bench:run(40000, 4096, [noop], 1000000, 100).
5> batchio_bench:run(40000, 4096*2, [noop], 1000000, 100).


  • Buffer size: 40k entries
  • Page size: 4096 bytes
  • Io device: noop
  • Message bytes: (N*Size)
total bytes regular (µs) batchio (µs) speedup
250000 147307 82214 1.79
2500000 1556331 682564 2.28
25000000 15140558 7104603 2.13
100000000 27556709 21181553 1.30

The speedup remains somewhat good the entire time through, and appears to scale somewhat linearly for both IO methods. The difference between the two could just be overhead in message passing between the two, and a parallel/concurrent test could reveal different results given all the sending of messages could be done at once by many parties, rather than sequentially doing a request/response pattern.

Multiple runs, {passthrough, user}

Raw results (garbage output omitted):

6> batchio_bench:run(40000, 4096, [{passthrough, user}], 10000, 25).
7> batchio_bench:run(40000, 4096, [{passthrough, user}], 100000, 25).
8> batchio_bench:run(40000, 4096, [{passthrough, user}], 100000, 100).
9> batchio_bench:run(40000, 4096*2, [{passthrough, user}], 100000, 100).
10> batchio_bench:run(40000, 4096 div 2, [{passthrough, user}], 100000, 100).


  • Buffer size: 40k entries
  • Page size: 4096 bytes except where noted
  • Io device: {passthrough, user}
  • Message bytes: (N*Size)
total bytes regular (µs) batchio (µs) speedup
250000 663627 116301 5.71
2500000 7152307 1193573 5.99
10000000 6918967 3158728 2.19
10000000* 7537927 3248407 2.32
10000000** 6385057 3027430 2.10

* page size of 8192 bytes ** page size of 2048 bytes

On smaller output sizes, batchio is much faster there, telling us there might be a blocking component further away than the dummy IO server, past the real IO system of the node (user outputs for real). At around 10000000 bytes, both the regular and batchio times seem to go somewhat stable on the speedup despite the page size, possibly pointing to the system's limit for IO, although more results might be needed to confirm that

Making the buffer size smaller to check for load-shedding

Raw results (garbage output omitted):

11>  batchio_bench:run(5000, 4096, [{passthrough, user}], 100000, 100).
12> batchio_bench:run(100, 4096, [{passthrough, user}], 100000, 100).

Even if we're sending 100k messages rather fast, even on a 5k elements buffer, no message gets dropped (and we have a 2.25 speedup, on par with the previous results). However, turning down the buffer size to 100 entries at most ends up shedding 4.8% of the messages sent, keeping a similar speedup.

The lossiness of batchio has to be tweaked to choose a lossiness vs. storage space requirement adequate for the target node.

Possible improvements

  • allow for concurrent operations
  • report on memory usage or "messages in flight".
  • automate the runs of multiple batch sizes and reports, table building.
  • simulate tests on a busy node


batchio doesn't have any official introspection API, but the batchio_serv process will store incremental data in the process dictionary under the keys total, sent, and dropped. Using erlang:process_info/2 on that process will allow someone to inspect the lossiness of items in flight, in absolute terms.


  • Allow dynamic configuration changes in a proper API
  • Test configuration changes
  • Figure out multiple-encoding support. Right now, batchio assumes that all output will use the same final encoding by just calling io_lib:format/2 at the call site, rather than at the IO server (which is faster, but possibly wrong).


Send in a pull request including the changes, tests, and a description of what the changes do (and why it is necessary).

The test suite as it is is a bit complex, as it sets up middlemen group leaders to forward IO properly.


  • 1.0.0: Proper page_size overflow handling. In 0.1.0, a message larger than the page size would have never made it through and would have needed to be dropped from the buffer (which would have needed to fill up) before message output could resume. This version makes it so that when a message too large is found, the current page is sent, and then the message larger than the page_size is sent alone.
  • 0.1.0: Initial commit


io:format middle-man that buffers and batches output sent to the io server for better throughput