paulovn / sparql-kernel

A Jupyter kernel to launch queries against SPARQL endpoints

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Allow POST for queries

alexisdimi opened this issue · comments

A sparql query can easily get too large to fit in a GET request; SPARQLWrapper can be configured to do POST requests, but sparql-kernel does not seem to support them. Can this feature be added?

Yes, that is easy. I've added it in the 1.3.0 branch, currently in testing, via a %method magic. As soon as it is tested, I will generate a new release.

I've seen you have submitted a PR on this. Thanks!

You got a PR for this changeset, that implements POST queries? Yeah I did it myself because I needed it, it was pretty easy after all. I didn't realize I had submitted the PR, though.

I see the changeset got appended to the other, irrelevant PR... Clearly I don't know my way around this github feature yet! Anyway the patch has been working fine so far.

Yes, it was included in the other PR, that's why I only noticed it later. Your patch is virtually identical to the solution in my branch, so it will work the same (there's not much space for imagination here, anyway :-)