paulopacitti / gruvbox-factory

🏭 convert any image to the gruvbox pallete

Repository from Github https://github.compaulopacitti/gruvbox-factoryRepository from Github https://github.compaulopacitti/gruvbox-factory

Accept filepath as argument

marcoaaguiar opened this issue · comments

The tool already has a good-looking CLI, but it would be nice to pass the target file as an argument to the script.

The use case is allowing for tab completion or even scripting for multiple files.

Great tool btw :)

Thanks for opening an issue and for the feedback @marcoaaguiar ✨ I've shared this tool on Reddit and many people suggested this kind of feature, so I'll implement in the next future, but I'm not currently available for developing this right now 😕, so it'll take some time. If you need this feature faster, feel free to open a PR 💟

@paulopacitti this is already solved