paulirish / dotfiles

paul's fish, bash, git, etc config files. good stuff.

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/Users/marif/.functions:37: parse error near `]]'

mdarif opened this issue · comments

I am pretty new to OSX but everything is almost settled down, I had configured Z and ZSH earlier and lately come to know about paulirish dot files and installed it.

Got to see following output when I refresh .bash_profile or .bashrc

Last login: Tue May 14 08:41:35 on console
  ~  ls
Applications    Downloads       Music           Samsung         dotfiles        log
Desktop         Library         Pictures        Sites 
Documents       Movies          Public          bin             js-boilerplate
  ~  z
zsh: command not found: z
  ~  source ~/.bash_profile
/Users/marif/.aliases:79: bad option: -t
/Users/marif/.aliases:82: bad option: -t
/Users/marif/.functions:37: parse error near `]]'
/Users/marif/.bash_profile:.:9: no such file or directory: /Users/marif/code/z/
/Users/marif/.bash_profile:15: command not found: shopt
/Users/marif/.bash_profile:26: command not found: complete
\[\e]2;/Users/marif\[\a\]\[\e]1;\]Users/\W\[\a\]marif at   \[\]\w\[\]\[\]\[\]\n$ \[\]

I don't know what's going wrong here, would help if somebody point me out to issue persisting in my profile or something.

Actually I was using '/bin/zsh' instead of '/bin/bash' in the Terminal preferences, changing it to the former does all.