pauldijou / redux-act

An opinionated lib to create actions and reducers for Redux

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createAction adds strange `[32] ` characters to type

Arman92 opened this issue · comments

Here in createAction.js:47

const type = isSerializable ? description : `[${id}]${description ? ' ' + description : ''}`

Why are you changing the action type to something strange? Of course, it would not be detected in the reducer.

I'm trying to use 'connected-react-router' and have a reducer on @@router/LOCATION_CHANGE action type. but the action creator is changing it to [32] @@router/LOCATION_CHANGE which then reducer fails to detect it.

This is a simplified code snippet for my use case:

const locationChanged = createAction('@@router/LOCATION_CHANG')

const handleLocationChanged = state =>  loop({ ...state },

const actions = {
   [locationChanged]: handleLocationChanged

const reducer = createReducer(actions, {})

That's the whole foundation of the lib: generate a unique id for each action to prevent any type collision.

I don't know about connected-react-router but if the action already has a defined type, why do you need to create a new action?

const handleLocationChanged = state =>  loop({ ...state },

const actions = {
   ['@@router/LOCATION_CHANGE']: handleLocationChanged

const reducer = createReducer(actions, {})

You are right. However I already tried this solution and got my answer, sorry for bothering!