paul-howard / angular-reddit-dashboard

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Reddit Dashboard

Angular-based search app for Reddit with interface based on the Bootstrap dashboard example.


Entering a new term

  1. When user types a search term in to the search box and presses enter:
  • The search is added to the "history" list on the left and marked as active (highlighted in blue).
  • Angular $http service is used to search reddit for the search term.
  • The "All Posts" list in the main content area is populated with reddit posts and some data about each (score, comment count, etc)
  • The "featured posts" section is populated by loading the first 4 thumbnail images from the reddit data.

Interface featues

  • Post list features a "View" link (magnifying glass icon) to open the post URL in a new tab (based on url parameter).
  • Post list features "Comments" link showing number of existing comments to open the comments page in a new tab (based on permalink parameter).
  • The "About" link in the header triggers a modal pop-up using angular-bootstrap directives.

Going to an existing term

When user clicks a search term in the "History" list on the left it:

  • Marks the item as active (highlight blue)
  • Does steps 3,4,5 above.

Removing a term from history

  • Hovering over an item in the menu shows an "X" link next to the item.
  • Clicking the link removes the term from the list and updates localStorage so when refreshing the page the item stays deleted.

Page load

  • On first load the "history" list on the left will be empty.
  • Once a search term is entered it is added to the list on the left
  • The history list is stored in localStorage so the list is remembered between page views.

A Quick note on localStorage

localStorage can only store strings, so arrays and objects must be converted to strings when storing and back when loading.

var tinyIntegers = [1,2,3];
//converts the data to a string "[1,2,3]" and stores it in .tinyIntegers

var newTaco = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.tinyIntegers);
//parses the stored sting back to the array: [1,2,3]



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