patskovn / MeshGradient

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


ahidharb opened this issue · comments

typealias MeshColor = SIMD3

// You can provide custom locationRandomizer and turbulencyRandomizer for advanced usage
var meshRandomizer = MeshRandomizer(colorRandomizer: MeshRandomizer.arrayBasedColorRandomizer(availableColors: meshColors))

private var meshColors: [simd_float3] {
return [

// This methods prepares the grid model that will be sent to metal for rendering
func generatePlainGrid(size: Int = 6) -> Grid {
let preparationGrid = Grid(repeating: .zero, width: size, height: size)

// At first we create grid without randomisation. This is smooth mesh gradient without
// any turbulency and overlaps
var result = MeshGenerator.generate(colorDistribution: preparationGrid)

// And here we shuffle the grid using randomizer that we created
for x in stride(from: 0, to: result.width, by: 1) {
for y in stride(from: 0, to: result.height, by: 1) {
meshRandomizer.locationRandomizer(&result[x, y].location, x, y, result.width, result.height)
meshRandomizer.turbulencyRandomizer(&result[x, y].uTangent, x, y, result.width, result.height)
meshRandomizer.turbulencyRandomizer(&result[x, y].vTangent, x, y, result.width, result.height)

meshRandomizer.colorRandomizer(&result[x, y].color, result[x, y].color, x, y, result.width, result.height)


return result