patrikhuber / 4dface

Real-time 3D face tracking and reconstruction from 2D video

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dlib landmarks failed under big face angle towards camera

jjjjohnson opened this issue · comments

Hi @patrikhuber
I noticed the shape predictor cannot output landmark failed under big face angle towards camera. Does it work as intended? If so, is there any way to fix it?
PS I used mtcnn( as face detector and dlib.shape_predictor to output the landmarks.

Thanks a lot!

I used mtcnn( as face detector and dlib.shape_predictor to output the landmarks.

So you are saying the dlib landmarks don't work too well for you in large poses? I think you should ask this on the dlib forums? Or what does it have to do with 4dface?

Yes. @patrikhuber Thanks for the clear up. I will ask the dlib landmarks form. Thanks