patrikhuber / 4dface

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How to implement merged isomap and visualize mesh in Python

jjjjohnson opened this issue · comments

Hi @patrikhuber,
I checked the help(eos) and cannot find any info about merging isomap. And it is in the helpers.hpp for cpp version. Is is something I should write as the helper function?

Thanks a lot!

Hi Junjie,

I think if you want to merge isomaps in Python, you best write the code for that by yourself, depending on how you want to merge. eos will return the images as NumPy arrays and you could process them with OpenCV's Python bindings or something like that.
As for visualising the mesh, you'd probably best use OpenGL or something like that to draw the vertices and eos/4dface return in the eos::core::Mesh.
You could also implement the draw_wireframe function in Python, if that's what you wanted, it's a straight copy&paste.