patrick-kidger / lineax

Linear solvers in JAX and Equinox.

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Useful features

thibmonsel opened this issue · comments

It could probably useful to have some diagonal and triangular block matrices operators lineax.DiagonalBlockMatricesLinearOperator and lineax.TriangularlBlockMatricesLinearOperator ?

Our thinking on this front is to introduce a lineax.BlockLinearOperator, which you might call as e.g.

op1 = lineax.MatrixLinearOperator(...)
op2 = lineax.MatrixLinearOperator(...)
op = lineax.BlockLinearOperator([[op1, 0], [0, op2]])

which in the above case is diagonal. It uses nested linear operators to represent the nonzero parts and uses literal 0s to represent the zero parts of the overall operator.

Right now this is on the to-do list, see #4.