patogit / libremesh-docker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

LibreMesh Docker

This is a x86/64 Docker image for testing and developing.

Available tags:

  • stable using 17.06 branch of lime-packages based on LEDE 17.04.4
  • latest using develop branch of lime-packages based on OpenWrt snapshots.

Use image

To dive into the image run the following command:

docker run -it aparcar/libremesh:latest sh

Some stuff may fail, please report by creating an issue!

Build image

Modify the content of the archives latest.tar.gz or stable.tar.gz and build it with the following command

TAG=latest # or stable
docker build -t "libremesh:$TAG" --build-arg "TAG=$TAG" .

To run the self build package run

docker run -it libremesh:$TAG sh
