patloew / RxLocation

🗺 [DEPRECATED] Reactive Location APIs Library for Android and RxJava 2

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Can't create new instance

catalin-florescu opened this issue · comments

I've got this strange error when i'm trying to create a new instance of RxLocations

java.lang.VerifyError: Verifier rejected class com.patloew.rxlocation.LocationSettings: void 
com.patloew.rxlocation.LocationSettings.<clinit>() failed to verify: void 
com.patloew.rxlocation.LocationSettings.<clinit>(): [0x0] Call site #2 bootstrap method argument 1 is 
not a reference (declaration of 'com.patloew.rxlocation.LocationSettings' appears in 

What can i do with it? Clean project/invalidate cache won't help...

Strange, never had or heard of this problem. Maybe a clash with another dependency?

I don't know. I also use Room, beside RxJava and Retrofit.

Could you provide an example project with the problem so that I can test?

Sorry, i changed with other library... I can upload this project in this stage and you can change with your library. Until now is the only thing i've done.