patel999jay / Bellhop-ARLPY-ECED6575

This repository has been used in ECED 6575 at Dalhousie University to teach students Acoustic Toolbox & Bellhop.

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Issues with Eigenray Calculation and Bellhop Execution in arlpy

mbabeykoon opened this issue · comments

I tried to use Bellhop by following the instructions here:
I'm encountering two separate issues when trying to run Bellhop through arlpy. First, there's an AttributeError during eigenray plotting, and second, running bellhop.exe directly results in a fatal error about not being able to open the environmental file.



Issue 1: AttributeError in arlpy
When calling compute_eigenrays and then plot_rays, I receive an AttributeError. Here is the code snippet:

env = pm.create_env2d()
rays = pm.compute_eigenrays(env)
pm.plot_rays(rays, env=env, width=900) 

This results in the following error:

AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
[~\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_35784\] in <module>
1 rays = pm.compute_eigenrays(env)
----> 2 pm.plot_rays(rays, env=env, width=900)

Issue 2: Bellhop.exe Fatal Error
When running bellhop.exe, I receive a fatal error indicating it cannot open the environmental file. Here is the command I used



ENVFile = .env
Generated by program or subroutine: BELLHOP - READIN
Unable to open the environmental file

Any suggestion would appreciated. Thank you.


Could you please provide information about your python enviornment ? which version of bellhop you're using, i can see its may be 2020 version, just wanted to confirm ?

For the issue 1 : i guess if you run the arlpy bellhop run in debug mode that will show you the env files and print files. please provide them. Refer this for more details.

For the issue 2 : it is expected as you did not give any files to bellhop.exe, it can not run anything. when you provide an env file with it would work. Just use any example test file from the at/tests folders and then run below command :

bellhop.exe filename 

P.S.: DO NOT INCLUDE filename.env; just filename (i use this to tell : bellhop.exe munkp)

@mbabeykoon : i could not see the attachments, could you please update ?

Content of the env file.
1 0.0 25.000000
0.0 1500.000000 /
25.000000 1500.000000 /
'A' 0.000000
25.000000 1600.000000 0.0 1.600000 0.100000 /
5.000000 /
10.000000 /
1.000000 /
-80.000000 80.000000 /
0.0 25.250000 1.010000

I have no issue (see below) with the binary of bellhop or bokeh, it works fine, could you please provide your bokeh library version ?

Python 3.9.1 (tags/v3.9.1:1e5d33e, Dec  7 2020, 17:08:21) [MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)]
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 8.16.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: import arlpy

In [2]: import arlpy.uwapm as pm^M
   ...: import arlpy.plot as plt^M
   ...: import numpy as np

In [3]: pm.models()
Out[3]: ['bellhop']

In [4]: env = pm.create_env2d()

In [5]: type(env)
Out[5]: dict

In [6]: pm.print_env(env)
                name : arlpy
   bottom_absorption : 0.1
      bottom_density : 1600
    bottom_roughness : 0
   bottom_soundspeed : 1600
               depth : 25
        depth_interp : linear
           frequency : 25000
           max_angle : 80
           min_angle : -80
              nbeams : 0
            rx_depth : 10
            rx_range : 1000
          soundspeed : 1500
   soundspeed_interp : spline
             surface : None
      surface_interp : linear
            tx_depth : 5
   tx_directionality : None
                type : 2D

In [7]: pm.plot_env(env, width=900)

In [8]: rays = pm.compute_eigenrays(env)
   ...: pm.plot_rays(rays, env=env, width=900)

In [9]: rays
    angle_of_departure  ...                                                ray
0           -22.548510  ...  [[0.0, 5.0], [2.3088880023882794, 4.0413362464...
0           -22.516503  ...  [[0.0, 5.0], [2.309423168063283, 4.04262618021...
0           -21.556311  ...  [[0.0, 5.0], [2.325142287675045, 4.08146130072...
0           -21.524305  ...  [[0.0, 5.0], [2.3256550362742816, 4.0827603081...
0           -20.084017  ...  [[0.0, 5.0], [2.347975206646178, 4.14150571989...
..                 ...  ...                                                ...
0            19.571914  ...  [[0.0, 5.0], [2.355554433571443, 5.83747436407...
0            21.044209  ...  [[0.0, 5.0], [2.3332590888729934, 5.8977204599...
0            21.076215  ...  [[0.0, 5.0], [2.332757242863153, 5.89902371819...
0            22.036407  ...  [[0.0, 5.0], [2.3173640807018314, 5.9379891883...
0            22.068414  ...  [[0.0, 5.0], [2.3168397423735563, 5.9392835611...

[68 rows x 4 columns]

In [10]: arrivals = pm.compute_arrivals(env)

In [11]: arrivals[arrivals.arrival_number < 10][['time_of_arrival', 'angle_of_a
    ...: rrival', 'surface_bounces', 'bottom_bounces']]
    time_of_arrival  angle_of_arrival  surface_bounces  bottom_bounces
1          0.721796         22.538254                9               8
2          0.716791        -21.553932                8               8
3          0.709687         20.084017                8               7
4          0.709687         20.052010                8               7
5          0.705226        -19.034414                7               7
6          0.698960         17.484421                7               6
7          0.695070        -16.436060                6               6
8          0.689678         14.842224                6               5
9          0.686383        -13.766296                5               5
10         0.681901         12.133879                5               4

In [12]: import bokeh

In [13]: print(bokeh.__version__)

In [14]:

try to update your bokeh version and should be fine. let me know.

can you run your bellhop with below commands and paste those output files here ?

rays = pm.compute_eigenrays(env,debug=True)

This will return the path of the files generated, go to that folder and copy and paste those files, especially *.prt file.