patchthecode / JTAppleCalendar

The Unofficial Apple iOS Swift Calendar View. Swift calendar Library. iOS calendar Control. 100% Customizable

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IMPORTANT: Here are some of the changes in version 7+. It will cause some code breaks.

patchthecode opened this issue · comments


  1. Please implement the willDisplayCell function as stated below.
  2. Do not use cell.isSelected I will be removing it. Instead use cellState.isSelected


Problem 1: UICollectionView cell pre-fetching enables your calendar to scroll smoothly. But some problems arise.

A case can arise where a cell is already pre-fetched, but is still not yet visible on the screen.
screen shot 2017-09-08 at 2 32 29 pm

In a case like this, lets say a user selects the Feb1 outDate.
screen shot 2017-09-08 at 2 32 29 pm

Then the Feb1st inDate on the other month has to also be updated to show a selection.
screen shot 2017-09-08 at 2 34 23 pm

Now If the cell is already prefetched, but still invisible, there is no way for JTAppleCalendar library to send you an instance of the already prefetched cell so that it can be updated.
The way I handled this in version 7.0.6 was to call reloadIndexPaths, but this invalidates the layout. In order to save the layout much code was done which caused subtle bugs to form.

According to Apple documentation ,

To avoid inconsistencies in the visual appearance, use the
delegate method to update the cell to reflect visual state such as selection.

Therefore, in the 7.1.0 version of JTAppleCalendar, i'll be forcing you developers to implement this willDisplay function sadly. I did not want to do this because I think implementing 2 functions with the same code is silly, but it seems that I was coding against the grain. The contents of this function will be exactly the same as the code located in the cellForItemAtIndex function (except the cell dequeuing part). Therefore in order to avoid code duplication, you can create a common function that is run by both those functions.

If a developer can show me how to invalidate an already prefetched, but still hidden cell in a UICollectionView, then we would not have to do this.

Here is an example of what you developers should do when implementing this with a shared function to reduce code:

    func calendar(_ calendar: JTAppleCalendarView, willDisplay cell: JTAppleCell, forItemAt date: Date, cellState: CellState, indexPath: IndexPath) {
        // This function should have the same code as the cellForItemAt function
        let myCustomCell = cell as! CellView
        sharedFunctionToConfigureCell(myCustomCell: myCustomCell, cellState: cellState, date: date)
    func calendar(_ calendar: JTAppleCalendarView, cellForItemAt date: Date, cellState: CellState, indexPath: IndexPath) -> JTAppleCell {
        let myCustomCell = calendar.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "CellView", for: indexPath) as! CellView
        sharedFunctionToConfigureCell(myCustomCell: myCustomCell, cellState: cellState, date: date)
        return myCustomCell

    func sharedFunctionToConfigureCell(myCustomCell: CellView, cellState: CellState, date: Date) {
        myCustomCell.dayLabel.text = cellState.text
        if testCalendar.isDateInToday(date) {
            myCustomCell.backgroundColor = red
        } else {
            myCustomCell.backgroundColor = white
        // more code configurations
        // ...
        // ...
        // ...

OR as developer @boborbt mentioned below, you can just do all you setup inside the willDisplayCell function. And for your cellForIndexPath function, simply do this

func calendar(_ calendar: JTAppleCalendarView, cellForItemAt date: Date, cellState: CellState, indexPath: IndexPath) -> JTAppleCell {
    let myCustomCell = calendar.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "CellView", for: indexPath) as! CellView
    self.calendar(calendar, willDisplay: myCustomCell, forItemAt: date, cellState: cellState, indexPath: indexPath)
    return myCustomCell

Problem 2: UICollectionViewCell.isSelected may be out of sync.

I am thinking on removing the property of isSelected on a cell as it can incorrect.
In the library if the calendar is in single selection mode, if a user selects say Feb1, then I also cause its outDate counter part to be selected.

screen shot 2017-09-08 at 2 34 23 pm

Here 2 cells will be "selected" even though it is on single selection. I track this magic with the CellState struct. Therefore cellState.isSelected will always give you a correct value. But developers are used to using the Cell.isSelected property. And this causes confusion when a cell that is supposed to be selected gives an incorrect value.

Therefore I am going to make the Cell.isSelected property unavailable unless a developer can come up with a good alternative solution. Else, Users should only use the cellState inorder to determine if a cell is selected or not.

For what it's worth, I personally like to create my own isSelected variable. I get to call it whatever I want, I play around with it's getters and setters. And it's just part of my UI design. Up to you tho.

@ahmed-sal thanks for the input. I put it up here so that people can let me know if they are using the isSelected property on a cell. If many people complain, then I might try to consider another solution.

I am removing it because of synchronization issues. in some edge cases.
cellState.isSelected however, is managed by myself, and therefore it is always synchronized.

I would rather keep it clean and always use cellState.isSelected for JTAppleCalendar instead of apple's presets. This way there's less chance of interference with other stuff as swift and apple kits change.

You're doing a great job at building the cellState for calendar-focused info.

another vote for ♥︎ cellState.isSelected and ditto on the great job.

@patchthecode I was just noting that, regarding the first problem, in most cases it is not really necessary to create the sharedFunctionToConfigureCell function. IMHO it is cleaner and easiest to just call the calendar:willDisplay delegate from the calendar:cellForItemAt delegate.

Thanks again for the library and your awesome support.

@boborbt you know.. that's actually a good idea haha. I wasnt thinking that route, but yes, this will be cleaner.

Version 7.1 released. closing this issue

@patchthecode sorry, I'm not really understand about what is 'testCalendar' in your source code? thank you

@yunikechristina testCalendar is just my sample code. You can remove it and put what every shared code you need.

@patchthecode - thanks for this update, spent a few hours trying to figure out what was going wrong in my code, but this solved everything.

I have a question though, why can't you use dequeueReusableCell in the willDisplay function?

This was causing me an error as an unselected cell would appear to be selected, but I don't understand why this is the case.

Thank you 💯

@arjunmadgavkar This lib is built from a UICollectionView. It behaves the same way.
If you dequeue in that function, you be reusing an old cell that was already used and therefore you'd need to clean up the dequeued cell just like you would for a UICollectionView. But why would you dequeue a cell in there? WillDisplayCell is for displaying a cell that is already dequeued.

@PrincessKimchi theres a sample project attached to this repository.
check it out for an eample

willDisplayCell does not get called for me. Delegate and data source are both connected, and the dequeue-function works and is called as it should. willDisplayCell is simply ignored. Any idea why?

willDisplay gets called.
it is not called as frequently as a regular UICollectionView or UITableView.
It gets called in certain situations.

I think the root of the issue is updating the appearance of the cell within the controller violates MVC. The UICollectionViewDataSource.cellForItemAt call is meant to create the cell (view) represented by the data being passed in. Its job is to pass that data into the cell. Examples of cellForItemAt usually have you update the label - this is fine because you are passing data into the cell. But as soon as you start changing the appearance of the cell, you start violating that principle.

The UICollectionView manages the selection state internally. The isSelected property on the cell cannot be trusted because in that moment of time, that is how the view is being rendered. It isn't supposed to be your application state (or model). Since UICollectionView can update this state at any time, the appearance can get out of sync if you update the appearance in the controller.

What I typically do is update the appearance in the view itself:

override var isSelected: Bool {
    didSet {

updateCellAppearance() {
    if isSelected {
        // ...
    } else {
        // ...

updateCell(info) {
    // ...

That way it doesn't matter if the cell gets updated from cellForItemAt or by the UICollectionView itself - it always stays in sync. The cell also has a prepareForReuse method which allows you to cleanup the appearance of the cell before it is passed into the dequeue method.

The way I see it JTAppleCalendarView manages the state of the calendar for you. So I think CellState should probably be DateInfo or something along those lines. It should also probably not be able to return the cell itself, but rather have indexPath on it as an optional (if it is being rendered). You can call UICollectionView.cellForItem on the collection view itself if you need the cell. This makes the "state" (or data) not tightly coupled to the view and separates concerns.

i didnt understand the last part. What are you suggesting should be changed?

The way I see it JTAppleCalendarView manages the state of the calendar for you. So I think CellState should probably be DateInfo or something along those lines. It should also probably not be able to return the cell itself, but rather have indexPath on it as an optional (if it is being rendered). You can call UICollectionView.cellForItem on the collection view itself if you need the cell. This makes the "state" (or data) not tightly coupled to the view and separates concerns.

@patchthecode Sorry! I'll see if I can be clearer. The way CellState is designed it mixes concerns. A cell is part of the UI. A date is part of the model (state). It should be "DateState" or "DateInfo". CellState also can return cell. It should have indexPath on it instead.

The problem with "CellState", and having to update the appearance in"willDisplay" and "cellForItemAt" has to do with mixing concerns in MVC. You have view code in the controller, and in the case of CellState, binding the view to the model. If "CellState" was "DateState" or "DateInfo" and had indexPath on it you could lookup the cell in the controller using indexPath (if you needed it).

Fixing the willDisplay problem doesn't require any code changes. It's just a documentation / education thing. Update appearance code in the cell view class. Anyone can do that today.

The "CellState" thing is not related. Just wanted to point out that the model is being tightly coupled to the view layer.

I'm not really a fan of MVC, but Apple uses it, so I have to follow it. I prefer Component based architecture as I find it easier to understand.

myCustomCell.dayLabel.text = cellState.text
        if testCalendar.isDateInToday(date) {
            myCustomCell.backgroundColor = red
        } else {
            myCustomCell.backgroundColor = white

Thank you for this fix, it helped a lot.

To hopefully save someone else the confusion that I went through with the above code snippet provided in the original post:

testCalender is actually just an instance of Calendar.current, and red is (and the white).