paskals / 120shots-website

My photography blog - 120 Shots

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

120 Shots

Photography Portfolio/Blog

Template based on: revista-3

Published version:

Create your own astro project using this repo as a template

npm create astro@latest -- --template paskals/120shots-website

OR clone this repo.

After creating your site with this template:


  • Text content is "hosted" in the repo in the form of markdown files. Deployment is done (for free) with CloudFlare pages.
  • Photos are hosted separately and are only referenced via URLs in the markdown blog posts. There's a script to help you process and upload photos to a CloudFlare R2 bucket - see Utility Scripts.

Install (to use this repo directly)

npm install

Development Server

npm run dev


npm run lint

Build for deployment

npm run build && npm run postbuild

If you want to preview the built site, use npm run preview after building. The pagefind search functionality only works after building (not with the dev server).

External Usage

Build and deploy as a static page on cloudflare pages.

Utility Scripts

Create a draft post from a folder with photos

This script creates a new post under /src/content/posts. By default the name of the file starts with today's date. The script uploads a folder of photos to a CloudFlare R2 bucket. The post will contain a randomly chosen header image and a masonry component with the URLs of all of the uploaded images. You can specify the max dimension fo the photos. The photos are converted to .webp format and then uploaded to the R2 bucket.

npm run create-post -- -p /dir/with/photos -d upload-sub-dir -t "Post Title" -m 2000 -r "File Name Prefix" --randomSuffix
  • -p - Photos source directory (not recursive).
  • -d - Name of sub-directory in the R2 bucket. This is where the files will be uploaded under the top-level directory of your R2 bucket.
  • -t - Post tile.
  • -m - Max dimension of photos. This will resize photos such that whatever the bigger dimmension is (width or height) it will not be bigger than this number (2000px is the default).
  • --renameFiles or -r - Renames files with the specified prefix, and adds a sequential numbering as a suffix (starting at "000").
  • --randomSuffix or -s - Adds a random suffix to all uploaded filenames to prevent overwriting files with the same original file name.

Create a film roll from a folder with photos

This script creates a new roll under /src/content/rolls. The rolls content library is made of YAML files with information about each roll, including URLs to all images.

npm run create-roll -- -p /dir/with/photos -n ROLL-NAME -f film-stock -c "Camera Used" -rs
  • -p - Photos source directory (not recursive).
  • -n - Name of the film roll. Will also be used as the sub-directory in the upload destination..
  • -f - Film stock used. Must match an entry from the films content library.
  • -m - Max dimension of photos. This will resize photos such that whatever the bigger dimmension is (width or height) it will not be bigger than this number (2000px is the default).
  • --renameFiles or -r - If not specified, the original file names will be kept. When specified, the roll name (n) will be used as the file name prefix, after which a numeric sequence number will be added. If a random suffix is also specified, it will be added after the sequence number.
  • --randomSuffix or -s - Adds a random suffix to all uploaded filenames to prevent overwriting files with the same original file name.

This script assumes that photos have their exif date/time information updated. Dates will be taken from the exif and stored in the film roll YAML data file.

Create a draft post from existing film rolls

This script takes film rolls from the rolls content library and creates a draft post containing all photos in one masonry component per roll.

npm run create-roll-post -- -r "ROLL-NAME1,ROLL-NAME2" -t "Post Title"
  • -r - Comma separated list of roll IDs to include in the post.
  • -t - Title of the created post.

R2 Bucket configuration

  • Create a .env file under the root directory and include the following content:
R2_ACCOUNT_ID=your account ID
R2_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your access key
R2_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your secret access key
BUCKET_NAME=name of your bucket
BUCKET_PUBLIC_URL=public URL of your bucket

How it all works

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My photography blog - 120 Shots

License:MIT License


Language:XSLT 36.7%Language:Astro 23.6%Language:MDX 16.0%Language:TypeScript 9.4%Language:CSS 8.2%Language:JavaScript 6.1%