pascalw / pragma

Pragma is a self-hosted, open-source, personal note taking app.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

default password

la0wei opened this issue · comments

I'm running my instance,and what's the default password and how to change it?

Hi @la0wei the password is really the API token. It's determined by the AUTH_TOKEN environment variable. If that isn't defined a token is randomly generated, check the stdout logging on that case.

Note that I haven't been maintaining this project anymore, nor do I have the intention to.

@pascalw thanks for your help.Didn't notice the terminal stdout info.
Searched AUTH_TOKEN,found docs/,this help a lot.

Do you consider continue this project?
I found your project because I want a three column online notebook.I found this
But I don't like js project,Rust is good,Golang is good, one single file is good.

Many people want to selfhost their notebook/markdown/editor.
Your project has much potential.