parse-community / parse-server-s3-adapter

AWS S3 file storage adapter for Parse Server

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


5amfung opened this issue · comments

Is PARSE_SERVER_FILES_ADAPTER in the instructions still correct and applicable?

Somehow my file is still written to mongo instead to S3.

Same here... My parse-server run with PM2 on ubuntu 14.04 ... and it's not work with this config

    "env": {
      "PARSE_SERVER_FILES_ADAPTER": "parse-server-s3-adapter",
      "S3_ACCESS_KEY": "#########",
      "S3_SECRET_KEY": "#########",
      "S3_BUCKET": "my-bucket-parse-development",

the file is not saved to my S3 bucket, but its work after i make change in file /usr/lib/node_modules/parse-server/lib/cli/parse-server.js

if (!options.appId || !options.masterKey || !options.serverURL) {

// create S3Adapter object if FILES_ADAPTER is S3
if ('parse-server-s3-adapter' == process.env.PARSE_SERVER_FILES_ADAPTER) {
  options.filesAdapter = new _index.S3Adapter({
        accessKey: process.env.S3_ACCESS_KEY || '',
        secretKey: process.env.S3_SECRET_KEY || '',
        bucket: process.env.S3_BUCKET || '',
        region: process.env.S3_REGION || ''

var app = (0, _express2.default)();
var api = new _index.ParseServer(options);

Should the S3_BASE_URL look something like this: "" "?

I'm having same issue... Please advise.

@bigdoghung looks right; however, you can be sure by going to the aws console, selecting a file and clicking properties. it'll show you the url and you can click on it to make sure that all credentials, etc. are working.

I also run into this issue. I could not make it correctly using ecosystem.json configuration.

Closing as too old, please reopen a new issue if needed.