paritytech / polkadot-stps

Polkadot Standard Transactions Per Second (sTPS) performance benchmarking

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

config-js test fails

bernardoaraujor opened this issue Β· comments

@pepoviola I copied these three files from the zombienet tests directory:

When I try to invoke the main script, I run into the following error message:

$ ./ test tests/examples/0008-custom-js.feature 

  custom js( System Events Custom JS )
	 Launching network... this can take a while.

	 Using provider: native

	 Launching network under namespace: zombie-aaf74141e26f46f042609a2b0f64f763
		 Using temporary directory: /tmp/zombie-aaf74141e26f46f042609a2b0f64f763_-6254-S2zJxzvfr3OW

	launching temp
		 with command: bash -c ./polkadot build-spec --chain rococo-local --disable-default-bootnode > /tmp/zombie-aaf74141e26f46f042609a2b0f64f763_-6254-S2zJxzvfr3OW/cfg/rococo-local-plain.json
		temp is ready!

		🧹 Starting with a fresh authority set...
			  πŸ‘€ Added Genesis Authority alice - 5CrY25p7g85soBZyxBNRHh3KU6WpcpyGJdYSfwqbkRVbFrbq
			  πŸ‘€ Added Genesis Authority bob - 5HR2hzzJi4V3VKKsVr5HSv6C3d1TuuBw45FZfPTxjAh1LSpo

	launching temp-1
		 with command: bash -c target/release/parachain-collator build-spec --disable-default-bootnode > /tmp/zombie-aaf74141e26f46f042609a2b0f64f763_-6254-S2zJxzvfr3OW/cfg/rococo-local-plain.json
		temp-1 is ready!

	launching temp-2
		 with command: bash -c target/release/parachain-collator build-spec --chain /tmp/zombie-aaf74141e26f46f042609a2b0f64f763_-6254-S2zJxzvfr3OW/rococo-local-100-plain.json --disable-default-bootnode  --raw > /tmp/zombie-aaf74141e26f46f042609a2b0f64f763_-6254-S2zJxzvfr3OW/rococo-local-100-raw.json
		temp-2 is ready!

	launching temp-collator
		 with command: bash -c target/release/parachain-collator export-genesis-state --chain /tmp/zombie-aaf74141e26f46f042609a2b0f64f763_-6254-S2zJxzvfr3OW/rococo-local-100.json > /tmp/zombie-aaf74141e26f46f042609a2b0f64f763_-6254-S2zJxzvfr3OW/cfg/genesis-state && target/release/parachain-collator export-genesis-wasm --chain /tmp/zombie-aaf74141e26f46f042609a2b0f64f763_-6254-S2zJxzvfr3OW/rococo-local-100.json > /tmp/zombie-aaf74141e26f46f042609a2b0f64f763_-6254-S2zJxzvfr3OW/cfg/genesis-wasm
		temp-collator is ready!

		  βœ“ Added Genesis Parachain 100

	launching temp-3
		 with command: bash -c ./polkadot build-spec --chain /tmp/zombie-aaf74141e26f46f042609a2b0f64f763_-6254-S2zJxzvfr3OW/rococo-local-plain.json --disable-default-bootnode  --raw > /tmp/zombie-aaf74141e26f46f042609a2b0f64f763_-6254-S2zJxzvfr3OW/rococo-local-raw.json
		temp-3 is ready!

		 Chain name: Rococo Local Testnet

		 βš™ Clear Boot Nodes

	launching alice
		 with command: ./polkadot --chain /tmp/zombie-aaf74141e26f46f042609a2b0f64f763_-6254-S2zJxzvfr3OW/alice/cfg/rococo-local.json --name alice --rpc-cors all --unsafe-rpc-external --rpc-methods unsafe --unsafe-ws-external --alice --no-mdns --node-key 2bd806c97f0e00af1a1fc3328fa763a9269723c8db8fac4f93af71db186d6e90 --no-telemetry --prometheus-external --validator --prometheus-port 45263 --rpc-port 46555 --ws-port 37935 --listen-addr /ip4/ --base-path /tmp/zombie-aaf74141e26f46f042609a2b0f64f763_-6254-S2zJxzvfr3OW/alice/data
		alice is ready!
	alice running

		 You can follow the logs of the node by running this command: 

			 tail -f  /tmp/zombie-aaf74141e26f46f042609a2b0f64f763_-6254-S2zJxzvfr3OW/alice.log

		 βš™ Added Boot Nodes:  /ip4/

	launching bob
		 with command: ./polkadot --chain /tmp/zombie-aaf74141e26f46f042609a2b0f64f763_-6254-S2zJxzvfr3OW/bob/cfg/rococo-local.json --name bob --rpc-cors all --unsafe-rpc-external --rpc-methods unsafe --unsafe-ws-external --bob --no-mdns --node-key 81b637d8fcd2c6da6359e6963113a1170de795e4b725b84d1e0b4cfd9ec58ce9 --no-telemetry --prometheus-external --validator --bootnodes /ip4/ --prometheus-port 44659 --rpc-port 43675 --ws-port 40441 --listen-addr /ip4/ --base-path /tmp/zombie-aaf74141e26f46f042609a2b0f64f763_-6254-S2zJxzvfr3OW/bob/data
		bob is ready!
	bob running

		 You can follow the logs of the node by running this command: 

			 tail -f  /tmp/zombie-aaf74141e26f46f042609a2b0f64f763_-6254-S2zJxzvfr3OW/bob.log
	 All relay chain nodes spawned...

	launching collator01
		 with command: target/release/parachain-collator --name collator01 --alice --collator --force-authoring --chain /tmp/zombie-aaf74141e26f46f042609a2b0f64f763_-6254-S2zJxzvfr3OW/collator01/cfg/rococo-local-100.json --base-path /tmp/zombie-aaf74141e26f46f042609a2b0f64f763_-6254-S2zJxzvfr3OW/collator01/data --listen-addr /ip4/ --ws-port 36809
Error: Timeout(30) for node : collator01
    at NativeClient.<anonymous> (/snapshot/zombienet/dist/providers/native/nativeClient.js:267:19)
    at (<anonymous>)
    at fulfilled (/snapshot/zombienet/dist/providers/native/nativeClient.js:5:58)

	 Node's logs are available in /tmp/zombie-aaf74141e26f46f042609a2b0f64f763_-6254-S2zJxzvfr3OW/logs

Is there some parameter missing from the config files?

@pepoviola how do I run javascript assertions against parachain nodes?

I tried the following syntax on the .feature file:

collator01: js-script ./polkadot-js-example.js return is greater than 1 within 200 seconds

but it breaks with:

_Event {
  type: 'error',
  isTrusted: false,
  _yaeti: true,
  target: W3CWebSocket {
    _listeners: {},
    addEventListener: [Function: _addEventListener],
    removeEventListener: [Function: _removeEventListener],
    dispatchEvent: [Function: _dispatchEvent],
    _url: 'ws://',
    _readyState: 3,
    _protocol: undefined,
    _extensions: '',
    _bufferedAmount: 0,
    _binaryType: 'arraybuffer',
    _connection: undefined,
    _client: WebSocketClient {
      _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
      _eventsCount: 0,
      _maxListeners: undefined,
      config: [Object],
      _req: null,
      protocols: [],
      origin: undefined,
      url: [Url],
      secure: false,
      base64nonce: 'Qoqlw3A/sHnciqbF1KWVng==',
      [Symbol(kCapture)]: false
    onclose: null,
    onerror: null,
    onmessage: null,
    onopen: null
  cancelable: true,
  stopImmediatePropagation: [Function (anonymous)]

Hi @bernardoaraujor, I try adding this line

collator01: js-script ./0008-custom.js return is greater than 1 within 200 seconds

And works as expected

    βœ” collator01: js-script ./0008-custom.js return is greater than 1 within 200 seconds (187ms)

    Node's logs are available in /var/folders/rz/1cyx7hfj31qgb98d8_cg7jwh0000gn/T/zombie-8735874711a7c9295c9a17f14208a118_-23957-G6LVEtkSRpcz/logs

    Deleting network

 5 passing (26s)

Note: zombienet will connect to the collator part, not the full-node .

@pepoviola it's weird that it's not reproduced on your side. I keep getting on my side, not sure what I'm missing.

what do you think these logs mean?

_Event {
  type: 'error',
  isTrusted: false,
  _yaeti: true,
  target: W3CWebSocket {
    _listeners: {},
    addEventListener: [Function: _addEventListener],
    removeEventListener: [Function: _removeEventListener],
    dispatchEvent: [Function: _dispatchEvent],
    _url: 'ws://',
    _readyState: 3,
    _protocol: undefined,
    _extensions: '',
    _bufferedAmount: 0,
    _binaryType: 'arraybuffer',
    _connection: undefined,
    _client: WebSocketClient {
      _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
      _eventsCount: 0,
      _maxListeners: undefined,
      config: [Object],
      _req: null,
      protocols: [],
      origin: undefined,
      url: [Url],
      secure: false,
      base64nonce: 'kY3p99HZx7etmut2E4bKuw==',
      [Symbol(kCapture)]: false
    onclose: null,
    onerror: null,
    onmessage: null,
    onopen: null
  cancelable: true,
  stopImmediatePropagation: [Function (anonymous)]

Hi @bernardoaraujor, not sure but looks like a connection error. Can we schedule a call to check this issue in your environment?


Hi @bernardoaraujor, not sure but looks like a connection error. Can we schedule a call to check this issue in your environment?


sent you an invite for tomorrow. thanks!

closed by #6