parcel-bundler / parcel

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`No Entries Found` after upgrade to version 1.10.1

brachi-wernick opened this issue Β· comments

πŸ› bug report

after upgrade to latest version 1.10.1
I get this error on build, working well in previous versions 1.9.7

parcel build index.html

🚨  No entries found.

    at /home/jenkins/workspace/l-frontend-apps_cosmosInfra-5PK3F7ZCMYBJAZWXZ7KSKAUDWNPU3UUR24E22YETHNP5H2FFHHKQ/packages/md-cosmos/node_modules/parcel-bundler/lib/Bundler.js:291:19

    at next (native)

    at asyncGeneratorStep (/home/jenkins/workspace/l-frontend-apps_cosmosInfra-5PK3F7ZCMYBJAZWXZ7KSKAUDWNPU3UUR24E22YETHNP5H2FFHHKQ/packages/md-cosmos/node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:3:24)

    at _next (/home/jenkins/workspace/l-frontend-apps_cosmosInfra-5PK3F7ZCMYBJAZWXZ7KSKAUDWNPU3UUR24E22YETHNP5H2FFHHKQ/packages/md-cosmos/node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:25:9)

    at Promise.all.then.arr (/home/jenkins/workspace/l-frontend-apps_cosmosInfra-5PK3F7ZCMYBJAZWXZ7KSKAUDWNPU3UUR24E22YETHNP5H2FFHHKQ/node_modules/execa/index.js:236:11)

    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:103:7)

that's strange a defined entrypoint should be able to get resolved, did you try ./index.html?

cross-env NODE_ENV=production parcel build './src/index.html

try it

Is anyone still having this issue?

Yes, I am still seeing this issue -- along with @nickrm97. I have this application which reproduces the issue:

We can both reproduce this issue on our machines by running this command:

yarn parcel

Changing the devDependencies line for parcel-bundler down to 1.9.7 fixes this issue.

@radar Did you mean parcel dev? That invokes parcel src/index.html, but that file doesn't exist.

I have no idea why parcel 1.9.7 prints no error, but actually opening localhost:1234 results in a 404 error.

@mischnic the no entries found error has been added in a recent version.
This because the no error and still having a successful build as you describe with Parcel 1.9.7 is quite strange as it actually just runs parcel without doing anything

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I'm also getting this issue. I'm not sure if its an identical cause, but I think I found the source of it.
It seems to originate in src/Bundler.js, in the normalizeEntries function on the last line:

return entryFiles
      .reduce((p, m) => p.concat(glob.sync(m)), [])
      .map(f => Path.resolve(f));

The glob.sync is getting rid of valid paths. It's being imported from fast-glob, and it looks like it could be caused by an upstream bug: mrmlnc/fast-glob#138
Removing the .reduce((p, m) => p.concat(glob.sync(m)), []) compiles and serves correctly, but obviously it's also getting rid of globbing.


Works: (relative path)


Doesn't: (absolute path)

/Users/jeffhykin/Find Later (No Sync)/quik-stack/computer-generated-code/.website.html

After renaming the parent folder to FindLater-no-sync this absolute path worked:


On 1.10.3 and 1.11.0. there is an error, on 1.9.7 theres no error but there is still a problem. Escaping the spaces and/or ()'s doesn't help.

I'm hitting this today with an upgrade from parcel 1.10.0 to 1.12.3. No meaningful error, just fails with:

parcel build --detailed-report src/nohost-sw.js

β ‹ Building...
🚨  No entries found.
    at Bundler.bundle (/Users/humphd/repos/nohost/node_modules/parcel/src/Bundler.js:276:17)
    at <anonymous>

--detailed-report can now take an option to specify the depth. This isn't yet updated in the docs:

PS: That's a very interesting project!

@mischnic I think you solved it. By moving --detailed-report to the end of my command line args, I think it is now not consuming the entry point filename as a depth. It works with latest parcel!

diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index c647bea..0a528fe 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
     "eslint": "eslint src example",
     "test": "npm run eslint",
     "build-example": "copyfiles -u 1 example/index* dist",
-    "build-sw": "parcel build --detailed-report src/nohost-sw.js",
+    "build-sw": "parcel build src/nohost-sw.js --detailed-report",
     "prebuild": "npm run build-example",
     "build": "npm run build-sw",
     "predev": "npm run build",

Thanks re: nohost! I'm using it to build a full computer with shared fs in the browser, Almost done, another week or so and I'll tweet about it.

This just happened to me when running yarn parcel build index.html inside a subfolder "browser" of the main directory with package.json and node_modules.
Parcel resolved index.html from the root instead of pwd.

./node_modules/.bin/parcel build ./src/index.html fixed the issue notice the ./ before src


This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed in 30 days if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

still a problem @stalebot

parcel --version

Screen Shot 2020-01-17 at 11 15 19 AM

Still seeing this too in 1.12.4
Screenshot 2020-03-14 at 10 49 38

@ocundale I had the same issue today, i kept trying in vscode. So for the sake of it, switched to iterm2 and it worked there.
parcel index.html
working fine now in 1.12.4

Screen Shot 2020-03-24 at 21 32 31

When it was not working for me, i noticed that it was creating the 'dist' folder inside my src directory, instead of creating under root dir. It started working as soon as it created under the root dir.

This just happened to me when running yarn parcel build index.html inside a subfolder "browser" of the main directory with package.json and node_modules.
Parcel resolved index.html from the root instead of pwd.

and how did you resolve that ? i'm facing the same issue.

This happens when the entry file you specified (index.html in your case) doesn't exist.

We're released v2 rc soonish so we no longer are planning to update v1