paramatrixtech / ksapi

Kotak Securities Trading APIs Integration

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Two different params taking same value in ks_api.KSTradeApi()

ashwinkp opened this issue · comments

In the call to ks_api.KSTradeApi () there are parameters app_id and consumer_secret which take same values please avoid adding parameters which take same value. Or initialize them internally based on what was passed.
Actually It make sense to retain consumer_secret instead of app_id since that is what it is called on the api portal.

Hi @ashwinkp app_id and consumer_secret are separate variables:

Consumer secret is the value provided to you on your webportal where you find other credentials such as consumer key and access token. it is required to access the websocket

App ID can be any random string and acts as a tag for us when dealing with platforms with several users. For an individual user (such as yourself) it serves no real purpose and you can hard-code any random string to it.