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garbled only in textField

luckymore opened this issue · comments

Enviroment: nodejsv20.12.1

I'm getting garbled Chinese when using textField, But it's normal in doc.text()

I've also tried Japanese and Russian and they are all garbled

import { jsPDF } from "jspdf";
import fs from "fs";

const doc = new jsPDF();

var SimSun = fs.readFileSync('./SimSun.ttf', {
  encoding: 'latin1',

doc.addFileToVFS('simsun.ttf', SimSun);
doc.addFont('simsun.ttf', 'simsun', 'normal');

const textField = new doc.AcroForm.TextField()
textField.Rect = [20, 20, 50, 50]
textField.value = '你好 世界! hello world!';
textField.fontStyle = 'normal';

doc.text(20, 20, '你好 世界! hello world!');

enter image description here
