paradite / jest-canvas-mock

:last_quarter_moon: A module used to mock canvas in Jest.

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Mock canvas when run unit test cases with jest.

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This should only be installed as a development dependency (devDependencies) as it is only designed for testing.

npm i --save-dev jest-canvas-mock


In your package.json under the jest, create a setupFiles array and add jest-canvas-mock to the array.

  "jest": {
    "setupFiles": ["jest-canvas-mock"]

If you already have a setupFiles attribute you can also append jest-canvas-mock to the array.

  "jest": {
    "setupFiles": ["./__setups__/other.js", "jest-canvas-mock"]

More about in configuration section.

Setup file

Alternatively you can create a new setup file which then requires this module or add the require statement to an existing setup file.


import 'jest-canvas-mock';
// or

Add that file to your setupFiles array:

"jest": {
  "setupFiles": [

Mock Strategy

This mock strategy implements all the canvas functions and actually verifies the parameters. If a known condition would cause the browser to throw a TypeError or a DOMException, it emulates the error. For instance, the CanvasRenderingContext2D#arc function will throw a TypeError if the radius is negative, or if it was not provided with enough parameters.

expect(() => ctx.arc(1, 2, 3, 4)).toThrow(TypeError);
expect(() => ctx.arc(0, 0, -10, 0, Math.PI * 2)).toThrow(TypeError);

The function will do Number type coercion and verify the inputs exactly like the browser does. So this is valid input.

expect(() => ctx.arc("10", "10", "20", "0", "6.14")).not.toThrow();

Another part of the strategy is to validate input types. When using the CanvasRenderingContext2D#fill function, if you pass it an invalid fillRule it will throw a TypeError just like the browser does.

expect(() => ctx.fill("invalid!")).toThrow(TypeError);
expect(() => ctx.fill(new Path2D(), "invalid!")).toThrow(TypeError);

We try to follow the ECMAScript specification as closely as possible.




:last_quarter_moon: A module used to mock canvas in Jest.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%