pappasam / coc-jedi

coc.nvim wrapper for

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Can't jump definition in via CocAction('jumpDefinition') when jedi-language-server in venv

kevinhwang91 opened this issue · comments

When the definition in the system site package, CocAction('jumpDefinition') can't jump to the source code.

Install jedi-language-server in system path and specify jedi.executable.command to it, CocAction('jumpDefinition') works as expected.

Would you please provide your environment? Are you a Conda user? I cannot reproduce in the following environment:

  • Python 3.8.3
  • Normal virtualenv
  • NVIM v0.5.0-614-g33eaa171f
  • Terminal: Zsh / alacritty

Your env is similar to mine, except the nvim suffix of git commit version.

The third package ( is located in the system path, but the jedi-language-server was in venv.

You can reproduce follow these steps:

  1. clean up any config about jedi-language-server in "~/.config/nvim/coc-settings.json";
  2. open python file, nvim will download jedi-language-server automatically and output msg: [coc.nvim] jedi: running "/home/kevin/.config/coc/extensions/node_modules/coc-jedi/.venv/bin/jedi-language-server";
  3. move the cursor under the name of the third package and then call CocAction('jumpDefinition'), output error msg: [coc.nvim] Definition not found;

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